New driver

Hi all.

Im leaving the army in february and want to get into driving.

Also any advise would be great.


If you’re ever double manned, don’t bore your colleague with hours of ‘Army stories’. I have endured that ordeal from ex forces guys on more than one occasion…

In fact, just don’t tell them you were in the Army, lol.

That’s handy to know as I’m looking to doing double manned when I start.

…unless the bloke you’re on with is ex army too, of course. In which case, pull up a sandbag, and crack on!

Get the modules done, and as suggested earlier, try & get some experience on the road & reversing with the trainers. Once done start looking for driving work, not porter work, or anything else but driving. Try agency for experience, but also try local company’s, odds are that a couple will take a look at you at least. There are company’s that will take on new drivers, even though you’ve had your licence a couple of years they will know you don’t have commercial experience, but you will have driven class two.

rememnber your still under the official secrets act,so mums the word.dont be asking me to tell you about the embassy deal otherwise id be mysteriously disappearing and wouldn’t be able to post pish like this anymore. (I was the one that fell off the back of the roof,but I don’t think anyone saw me),don’t tell anyone,or we will all get tapped… :wink:

I left the army a couple of years ago and did my dcpc and cpc through resettlement. You need to look into it more as once you have signed off your learning credits don’t have to be used on a course to benefit the army. You can even use them when your out. Remember most of the stuff people yell you in the army is incorrect as they actually don’t know what they are talking about so do your own digging. There’s even a website for learning credits so have a look. Got to get of your own arse now android out for number one as the army will drop you like a hot potatoe time to stand on your own two feet. By the way welcome to civvy street after 7 years service best thing I did was get out if you need any help just PM me.

Just going to say the same! Do you own digging as they will make your life as hard as possible! My unit is trying it on now! What they don’t realise is ive actually read the jsp! Idiots!

A general point for anyone reading the thread that may benefit.

Just because you don’t have DCPC, although unlikely to be much around, it doesn’t mean you can’t get any driving experience at all. You could legitimately work for an outfit whose operations are exempt from DCPC - I appreciate that these aren’t going to be ten a penny but if you can bag one at least you are getting the experience even if the DCPC is still in the pipeline.

FWIW, I was in an agency office today and overheard the staff talking - “he’s just come out the army and he has C+E, but no CPC and no commercial experience” they put him in as a porter. So it might be that you won’t go straight into driving C+E, even when you do get the DCPC.
(Of course - once Christmas gets a bit nearer, they wont be so fussy)
Good Luck, btw
Are you actually out? I heard a rumour that you could do DCPC at Imphal Barracks (AEC) in York using Learning Credits, or summat?

PS (you aren’t 5 Training Regt, are you?)

Mmm porter sounds like it could be agency code for someone will have him without a DQC, when it gets desperate enough.

From what I’ve seen on here about wages in Lincolnshire you might as well flip burgers for a living , class 1 drivers on £7.50 an hour , shambolic.