New driver update

Well as I mentioned in previous posts I passed class 2 in August and class 1 in October. Did agency work between passing c & c+e, then as soon as I passed c+e applied for all manour of jobs.

Two weeks ago I was offered a job at a local haulage company. Money isn’t the best but its regular work and its not that difficult. Had a trial with them and did well and been there now 2 weeks.

As also mentioned in a previous post I was nervous about the reversing side of things but I’m two weeks into my new job and slowly getting to grips with it. Most days I hit the spot I’m after with relative ease with a few shunts here and there! and others I couldn’t park in a ten mile wide space, but it’s becoming more natural. Did 3 nights out last week and got a full week of nights out next week , i do miss the kids but its only till I get my experience up to the magic 2 years and then I can be a bit more choosey with where I work. Any way just thought I’d share my story so far! Will post some pics up when I’m on a computer and not my phone!!

congrats luke al best in new job, davy :slight_smile:

well done mate, those 2 years will fly by then you can have a choose, wat job ya fancy fingers x, :grimacing: :grimacing:
good luck with ya truckin, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: weeman