New driver - Thanks

Hello, Passed my C and initial CPC this month yay!

Id like to thank everyone on this forum, reading everything and hearing stories really prepared me for my CPC.

Now the job hunt begins, spoke to a few agencies who all seem quite positive so far! (if anyone knows of any jobs going around Wolverhampton/Midlands that would be nice) Ive made a list of every company that uses trucks within 15 miles so will be knocking on doors as soon as I get my licence back. Il let you know how I get on.

By the way I did my C licence with Billy Thomas near Wolverhampton, really good 1:1 training and would recommend them totally, lots of help and support and trainers who know what they are talking about.

See you around!

Good luck in your new carreer - with a handle like that you are ahead of the game! :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: