New driver needs just one chance!

Hello all,
Have been really enthusiastic about my new career move hence joining this site to chat ‘truck stuff’. Just moved to Benwick, Cambridgeshire where haulage firms are all around. Had no idea how frustrating it is trying to get someone to give me a chance though, never had that in any other career before. NOT knocking the driving profession, I am knocking the insurance industry though, they are dictating who gets employment. I even handed a letter in at the ministry for work and pensions the other day and asked what the MP in charge of the ministry was going to do about the situation. You can guess what the ‘whitewash’ reply was!!

Having spent my hard earned money and jumped through all the loops I finally have Class2 and Class1 licenses.
How frustrated am I to find that every time I approach a firm I get told…“the insurance companies dictate that you need 2 years minimum experience”.
For some weeks now I have presented myself to Transport managers and asked that I just be given a chance, I have no commercial experience but have advanced level in cars and motorcycles, have driven 7.5 tonne several times and just cannot see how some folk would lead you to believe it’s rocket science driving a big truck!!

I have passed the courses, given up my spare time helping out at haulage depot’s learning the ropes and just want one firm to give me a chance to show that I am a safe driver and loyal employee. ‘Chicken and egg’ eh?

Tom. (you can sense my frustration can’t you. Just off to bang my head against a wall now…).

It is not the insurance companies it is what they are telling you if you said you were under 25 & have this problem I would believe you as they do put a heavier penalty on that it is also "supply / demand " situation

Sorry but not in your area so dont know what to suggest apart form keep going out there & looking I did took a while but got there also think of the boss ( I know ) if you were him & someone walked in with a shinny new licence who they didnt know would you send them out in a killing machine which can cost £90k plus trailer & of course goods what would you think :question: not trying to put you down but look at it from different point

Have you tried the agencies but again some do want checkable experience partly due to above & of course other who have made mistakes previously to you

Something will come you just have to keep at it

You’re right that it’s not rocket science to drive an artic but it’s still a long way away from driving a 7.5t.

Just keep at the job search and you will get there, be well presented and be prepared because one day they may be a driver short and could be biting your hand off and that insurance issue becomes no more.

i know theyre lower than slugs mate but sign with as many agencies as you can, you will get all the crap and hours wont suit but you will get experience and just stick at it and value your license should be your main concern good luck bud

Have you tried Brett’s Transport? They’re just down the road from you and I believe they are willing to take on newly qualified drivers if they like the cut of your jib, so to speak.

I went to one of the PDF training days there before I got my licences and they seemed like a nice friendly bunch.

As already said keep trying and it will happen, worked for Poundland for 6 months on the agency putting up with all the crap that goes with it but got offered a full time job so a happy banana now.

Thanks for the replies. Yeah I did pop into Bretts, handed over my CV and had a chat with a transport manager. Waiting to hear from a senior transport manager.
One agent asked me if I would like foreign travel!! It was so obvious they use that tactic to sign you up, havnt heard back from them since.

Shouldn’t be such a cynic should I ? Was panicking that I had to come up with three years experience and along comes 3 job offers in one day…How lucky am I?
So, start my first driving job in 2 weeks, Class1, short local runs and lots of reversing training, ropes and straps etc…3 months later i’ll be doing the long distance stuff in a nice new truck, someone up there’s looking after me I think!! :laughing:

Congratulations on your new job :smiley:

I agree it’s frustrating, I have sent countless cv’s, filled in application forms, spoke to companies on the phone and face to face and nothing. I can’t even get any unpaid work. All I get told is 2 years experience is required, even got told that for going as a drivers mate.

Congratulations and enjoy

I agree it’s frustrating, I have sent countless cv’s, filled in application forms, spoke to companies on the phone and face to face and nothing. I can’t even get any unpaid work. All I get told is 2 years experience is required, even got told that for going as a drivers mate.

Congratulations and enjoy

Hi Missy,

Unfortunately, it’s been the same since Noah was a lad… no experience = no job.

I had exactly the same in 1979 when I was stepping up from 7.5t to C+E. :frowning:

There a quite a few stories of TN members getting jobs quite soon after qualifying for C/C+E, these can be found using the search feature.

The absolute key to this is to keep at it… once you think you’ve done the rounds, then start again.

You’ll get there in the end… honestly!! :smiley:

I agree it’s frustrating, I have sent countless cv’s, filled in application forms, spoke to companies on the phone and face to face and nothing. I can’t even get any unpaid work. All I get told is 2 years experience is required, even got told that for going as a drivers mate.

Congratulations and enjoy

Where are you based?


I agree it’s frustrating, I have sent countless cv’s, filled in application forms, spoke to companies on the phone and face to face and nothing. I can’t even get any unpaid work. All I get told is 2 years experience is required, even got told that for going as a drivers mate.

Congratulations and enjoy

Where are you based?

I’m based in Edinburgh

Might be harder further North, the only EH firm I can think of just now is Williams, but I’m sure you’ve thought of them already. Don’t let it get you down, it’s the time of year when business picks up so it will happen. Good luck.

Plenty firms in & around Edinburgh Greggs have a dept there or go a bit further along M8 to Livingston quite a few firms there as sure you know ie Booker/Iceland Tesco Nisa Lidle Asda at Grangemouth Coop at Newhouse to name a few