New driver jobs are out there

Just passed my mod 4 yesterday. Got back home popped into a local place where they have 40 or more lorries asked if they have any vacancies for new passed drivers. In short I got to go back tomorrow for a drive with one of thete instructors if Im not an idiot I can start! Not the best money but for a newbie 24500 per year 50 hours per week gets me on the ladder :slight_smile:
so if you are thinking of doing cat c and have doubts I thought I’d mention as a lot of people are pretty negative about doing this job

Awesome news buddy. Hope everything went ok :smiley:

Me being 20 and working in a Tesco for 13.5k, seeing 24.5k makes me squeal xD Got my CPC coming up soon, hopefully I’ll be met with the same fortune.

Good luck in your search for new job. Being 20 as you are you got plenty of time to find a job. I’m sure your get one on no time