Has anyone this new sport of total
Lorries of all sizes seem to think it is ok to do a quick flick of their indicator and just pull out from lane one to lane two, causing whoever is lane two to take evasive action.
Any ideas of what their mentality is by cutting everybody up ?
It looks like they don’t check their mirrors and just go for it, a new sport or just to pee everyone else off?
Have you noticed these brain dead idiots ?
Aint a new sport Toby, it’s been going on for a while I reckon. I actually cringe with embarrasment sometimes when I’m following these cretins and see their bullying antics.
I followed a Unitruck FH up the A1 this afternoon who was apparently randomly pulling out in front of cars with no indication whatsoever. It was only when one car braked as he got level with the rear of his container that it ocurred to me that maybe he had no trailer electrics, so as I always keep a few mph in hand I thought I’d pull alongside and bring it to his attention. I got alongside on the three lane bit prior to Ferrybridge and sure enough spotted his suzy lying unattached on his catwalk, a quick blast of the horn, my passenger window down, his driver one down and I shouted across to him of the problem.
The look he gave me was reminiscent of me telling him that I’d just done his Missus up the wrong 'un lube free! It goes without saying that he didn’t flash me in when I’d passed him, but 5 miles later in the roadworks on the 62 he tried to demonstrate his superior driving abilities whilst in lane two about 3 feet off the rear bumper of the car in front with all his lights ablaze.
My hero.
I have not noticed this behaviour before, but it is getting more frequent now.
Toby mate,
10-15 years ago MOST drivers, HGV and car, drove with a smidge of respect for the fellow drivers and some concern over there OWN safety.
Then it started with your exec,s and reps with there BMWs and Mercs using the motorway as there own personal racetrack neglecting indicators, undertaking, sitting in the outside lane, ect. And joe public being the sheep they are started to copy.
jump forward to today and i rarely see any driving manners at all, and as the majority of car users no longer indicate to overtake( including police), never indicate at roundabouts, use any method to get 1 vehicle and 2.5 milliseconds in front of you and, my favourite, overtaking in a completely lunatic situation then slowing down to 30 MPH .
Now the “professional” driver seems to of lapsed into this “if they do it why should,nt i” mode of thinking.
My thoughts are that i will continue driving the way i always have ( with 27 years without an accident) and try to prevent accidents rather than doing my best to have one.
Spot on Toby. Its become very common. At least once a day someone will just pull out on me with only a few feet to spare. I have to say I think the standard of truck driving over on Europe is way way higher than in the UK these days. Thankfully some of us still take a proud in what we do
The Eastern European drivers on UK roads drive better than the muppets I see daily on a mission to meet their maker.
The Turkish just plod on steady.
On the M 3 in the average speed road works , I saw this zombie weaving between lanes, tailgating cars then flashing his headlights in his truck.
Everybody knows there not many mobile Police patrols, so they know they will get away with Road runner Loony Tunes driving.
Ring their employer, and get them off the road.
Give a job to somebody that can drive.
Have you guys got extra loud horns to honk?
Have you guys got extra loud horns to honk?
No, mines a bit embarrassing, sounds like a car horn !!!
I can shout louder, trouble is-it’s usually a Racist Shout followed by a swear word. Lol.
(Especially in London)
A quick search of truck crashes in Europe on youtube will give you the answer. Most of the crashes filmed are in Eastern Europe were the driving standard is woeful. Yes we have our own numpty’s here but not as many. Their standard of driving in their countries as well all know is poor to say the least, a lot of them driving trucks here need to pass their test here first. Don’t get me wrong, there are some decent ones I appreciate that. A couple of trips I’ve done lately to Czech Rep and Hungary had me opened mouthed with astonishment, the driving is abysmal !
Portugal had or still has the highest road accidents in Europe.
They drive at one speed, which is flat out.
Jekyll and Hyde personality, that changes to the devil behind the wheel.
When they crash and get out the car, it is oooh I am so sorry, sob, sob, sob.
The old road from Villar Formosa to Coimbra and Guarda was known as the death highway.
The firm that built the IP 5 promised viaducts and tunnels through the mountain road but kept the money and fled to Brazil.
A quick search of truck crashes in Europe on youtube will give you the answer. Most of the crashes filmed are in Eastern Europe were the driving standard is woeful. Yes we have our own numpty’s here but not as many. Their standard of driving in their countries as well all know is poor to say the least, a lot of them driving trucks here need to pass their test here first. Don’t get me wrong, there are some decent ones I appreciate that. A couple of trips I’ve done lately to Czech Rep and Hungary had me opened mouthed with astonishment, the driving is abysmal !
Hang on…is that milodon just pulled up?? I think he may have a view on your statement there Kerbdog!
I feel I’m being mixed up with someone as I do agree the standard of driving is somewhat lower outside western europe. it varies from country to country, for example in 2012 the rate of traffic deaths per million inhabitants was 65 in estonia, which is much lower than say 100 in lithuania. but still far away from 28 in the UK. some of that can be attributed to the road network, as in the amount of motorways and non-level crossings, but not all.
I feel I’m being mixed up with someoneas I do agree the standard of driving is somewhat lower outside western europe. it varies from country to country, for example in 2012 the rate of traffic deaths per million inhabitants was 65 in estonia, which is much lower than say 100 in lithuania. but still far away from 28 in the UK. some of that can be attributed to the road network, as in the amount of motorways and non-level crossings, but not all.
Interesting comparison between 3 Baltic countries…
Estonia 65 @ 2012
Lithuania 100 per million @ 2012
Lithuania (2,9 million) 258deaths @ 2013 so approx. 87 deaths per million
Latvia: 1,9m population and 179 deaths @ 2013 so approx 89 deaths per million
Latvia: 1,9m population and 211 deaths @ 2014 so approx 105 deaths per million
Latvia in 2015 - 13 deaths so far @ 13/01/2015
One of you 3 is going the wrong direction…
Black hole in the middle…