New career

Hi all im currently waiting to begin my class 2 practical (6th Oct) and basically pondering what to do next. I mean, im in full time employment as a paint sprayer and have been for the last 10 years but enough is enough and thought it was about time i finally full filled a childhood dream. Im in two minds as to whether once and if i pass, do i leave my current job and join and agency with a view of gaining valuable experience and the possibility of the agency funding for my class 1, or apply to various companies and wait for the right job to come along. I know the agency thing can be a big risk as that was the risk my dad took and he’s been driving for tesco for the past 15 years, all because of joining an agency. I know im my own person but if anyone out there has any hints, tips or experience of this themselves then all would be much great full. Sorry if I’ve bored anyone lol :smiley:

your dad should be able to give you all the hints and tips you need to know…

DON’T DO IT!!! :smiley: