New Cameras!

Who’s paying for this? :unamused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

All of us :open_mouth:

try and pick a "TAX " type you dont pay , and they`ll use the cash from one you do :laughing:

taxed from the day your born , taxed on the day you die , aint no way of getting out of it.

Just incase anybody is interested… … era-0.html

This sounds like great fun!

The ■■■■ behind you in the BMW/Audi/Vectra/Insignia/Range Rover is bound to back off when he gets near the camera, simply slam on the anchors just before you go past and hey presto he’s tailgating and going to get a lovely fine in the post.

Alternatively, pick people you don’t like the look of in the other lanes and pop right infront of them just before the camera. Someone cut you up on that sliproad 10 miles back? just hold your anger till you go past then nip to the front of their front bumper - cracking idea project ASSET

I can’t wait :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Just sit in the outside lane at 70mph and watch as the frothing at the mouth tailgaters get fined one after another :grimacing:


How about a camera that can detect your axle weights ,
akaik ,
you will find there already is one on the M1 and in various other locations too (approx` 14/15 locations). Operated by vosa .
The system is called WIMS (weigh in motion sensors) and is linked with ANPR .
You trundle along the slab and the induction loops in tarmac monitor /register your axles and weights + the ANPR pings your reg …

Hiya i was delivering bitumen to the companys(ryan and prowse…leytonstow and D Drill …Hinkley) who put weighbridge loops under the tarmac 25 years ago. theres been a weighbridge loop between jct 7 and jct 6 sothbound M6 for over 30 years. theres one nr the M69
southbound one before jct 18 M1 south and 14 M1 south jct 9 south bound. the lad who unloaded me at ryans was a ex driver and spilled
the beens years ago to can see a pattern on the road and theres a box on the verg clicks your no and sends it to police car via a control.I was mates with the chap who weight tested them at week ends, he would run from Jct7 to JCT6 back and to with differant
weights. at one time he had a red ford cargo with a extended sleeper and run at 48 tons on six axles I,ll tell you how long ago it was we used to stop at the westbrom truckstop that must have closed 15 years ago.
sorry to upset you. how do you think the numptys new we was over loaded it was,nt knowlage of the trucks.even Angus needs help

They will also catch people not wearing seat belts

Bloody great. That’s going to be a pain in the arse for Exemption Certificate Carriers, then. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

never been easier to get away with speeding …dream on