New BBC motoring programme-Search for truck experts


I’m writing from October Films, a television production company based in London. We produce a range of exciting and innovative factual based programming for broadcasters globally, you can find out more at

We are currently making a brand new television series for BBC Worldwide. The series features the most entertaining motoring web clips from around the world combined with interviews, challenges and other segments.

For one of our segments we are looking for ‘lorry/truck drivers’ to watch and react to 4 or 5 amazing lorry, truck and heavy loads related videos we have found on the internet from around the world. We are looking for outgoing, talkative and opinionated people who can laugh and enjoy a funny clip but also offer some expertise on the vehicles and incidents featured.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in taking part in our brand new series, the filming will be taking place in London within the next month and it will take a maximum of 2-3 hours. It will be a fun morning or afternoon and they could end up being broadcast around the world watching amazing clips of lorries and trucks when things go right and wrong.

Please contact me on the details below if you are interested. And please forward this email to any organizations or people that may be interested.

Kind regards

Jonathan Dutton
Motorheads - Researcher


Carryfast is your man :wink:

We on here excel at outgoing, talkative, and ESPECIALLY opinionated. Look no further. :grimacing:

pete smith:
Carryfast is your man :wink:

+1, if the programme you are making is designed to help those who are unsure if they require the services of Dignitas.

My vote goes to Dipper Dave, although what he says about the clips might only be suitable for Babestation or Pornhub…

Oh look more brain dead tv featuring trucks crashing and loads coming off trailers BS detector is off the scale… What really should have put want truck drivers to give the expected responses to to Muppets that cant drive