New A75 Improvments

Hi, just wondering if anyone’s been on the new road at the A75, haven’t been down it since before x-mas wondering what its like

Hi Chris I have just been reading in the local paper that it opened earlier this week still doing some work at junctions etc. So that should be a big improvement. Eddie.

It’s open at Carrutherstown and also at Dunragit. The bit at Dunragit still had 40 mph speed limit and this must have been about 6 weeks ago. Not massively different in all honesty

It’s open at Carrutherstown and also at Dunragit. The bit at Dunragit still had 40 mph speed limit and this must have been about 6 weeks ago. Not massively different in all honesty

Apart from the fact you dont have the low bridge in the way anymore. So quite different!

Aye that poor old bridge ower the years stood some stick it got belted about every fortnight. There must be a few drivers that obviously canny see low bridge signs or maybe the SPECSAVER advert is not so daft after all. Eddie.

Still single carriage way for the most part with a bit of short over taking lane. Still 40mph if you’re not running for the boat.

That bridge did take some battering, tho i could always get under no problem with a R480 topline and a dfds fridge,

Was on the A75 last week going for the stena boat at cairnryan,i noticed there is a new vosa checkpoint being built at glenluce.

Was wondering what that was going to be, just in front of Homer Simpson!