Need help

I could do with some help finding some decend agencies in the Barnsley/ Sheffield area, I passed my cat c in April last year and since then I’ve found it very difficult finding any work and as such I don’t want to leave my job working in a gate house until I actually get a decent offer( got to pay the bills ) I keep getting the old excuse of not having my licence long enough blah blah.
Does anybody know of any agencies that actually help new drivers?
Many thanks.

Dunno chap, chin up though.

Just to add, don’t go agency. See if someone will give you a full time job as a newbie then just go out out with one of their lads FOC for a week if needs be.

Decent agencies are like rocking horse ■■■, the vast majority are parasites who deserve the pox.

We used to go knock on doors and ask for a proper job, those days have returned, it always was the best way because the gaffer could see straight away how a potential driver would approach one of his clients.

As Norman Tebbit once said, get on your bike and go look see.

Thanks for the advice chaps, much appreciated. I have been out knocking on doors but as yet nothing has come of it, will keep plodding on regardless.

Decent agencies are like rocking horse ■■■, the vast majority are parasites who deserve the pox.

We used to go knock on doors and ask for a proper job, those days have returned, it always was the best way because the gaffer could see straight away how a potential driver would approach one of his clients.

As Norman Tebbit once said, get on your bike and go look see.

I’ve had very little to do with agencies but you’re absolutely right, go knock on a few doors. If it’s smaller firms you’d usually see the boss and like Juddian said he could see you straight away. You could be in the right place at the right time, you never know. I really wanted to do European work years ago and done the above. Went to one firm for a form, I was honest with the boss, I didn’t think I’d get a look in with no international experience but the following week I got a phone call to start. Seems a new driver had jacked it in on the Friday (didn’t like being away apparently… :laughing: ) and as I had an ADR and could start straight away they gave me a go.

Try sending of a CV and covering letter by post to all the firms you fancy driving for, phone them up, do the odd bit of agency work to get some experience, don’t get dispondent and keep at it :wink:

Good luck to ya :slight_smile:

Its some time since Ive had dealings with agencies in the area the OP is asking about, mainly due to me being C+E. Hes also limited in scope work wise, with only having Cat C, this would leave him doing the builders merchant/Pallex work.
Though I can`t confirm if either are any good, a couple of agency names from the past dealing with Cat C work come to mind, these are Driverhire (in Sheffield & Doncaster) this is the builders merchant work, Talstaff (who recently moved from Sheffield to Colliery lane Thurnscoe) moving in-house to work closer to their main contract there

hi, i know this is an old thread but you could give kenneth howleys in castleford, they are always wanting good drivers. sorry i dont have any contact details available