Need good pay as Forkliftdriver?

Is simple :sunglasses:
Just extend departuretime of Lorries to get last some hour late away and you will get overtime on and on :smiley:
I work for a Company n Nightrunk were the hub works that way and it works very well.
Two days ago left some 5 hour late :smiley:
just run through Water(by rain),and complain the Floor is wet and you cant drive on it

:slight_smile: They get paid more per hour than us, anyway, don’t they ? :cry:

some do. we collect from a printers in peterborough and their flt drivers are on a lovely number. 12hr shifts, 6-6, 36hrs/week, Β£9/hr. overtime is available, but only full shifts paid at double time.

the downside is its rolling week shifts and they operate 365 days.

and yet flt drivers in wellingborough are on the minimum wage. theres only 35 miles between the two places.


didnt somebody get killed at one of these hubs because a fork lift driver was trashing around on his fork lift. sometimes delays are unavoidable. trust me i know about forklifts and wet floors :blush: :blush:

health and safety,you rave on about your weights being right but as long as your truck is load double quick time you dont care whats going on around you.

works both ways



didnt somebody get killed at one of these hubs because a fork lift driver was trashing around on his fork lift. sometimes delays are unavoidable. trust me i know about forklifts and wet floors :blush: :blush:

health and safety,you rave on about your weights being right but as long as your truck is load double quick time you dont care whats going on around you.

works both ways


in that case you are not right :exclamation:
becouce they load Trailers in advance for there Lorries to park they till morning and Trunkdriver have to wait on parking
In my case load they the Trailer for secound Lorry first and park them till 08.00,and i have to wait,to go then with hour delay away i get not paid.
at last say they it were difficult to serve my wishes,as it were easier to load leight Freight on Front and heavy on back.
had last a pallet Cartons on ground and pallet stones on top of it.
:arrow_right: if you let they do as they will go you with departertime of 03.15 away at morning anywhen to stay at M1 and M25 and get not paid.
now had they the idea to send a own Lorry with AM Deliveries away to have time with Trunks.
Yep.there is big posted that you can apply as Lorrydriver after 6 Month for a Forkliftlicence,and some load thereself,but that is now frozen,as driver load to go at time,and forkliftloaded lorries go deleyed :confused: