Just thought I’d post a few links to you guys looking into HGV training.
There is a load of funding available out there, it’s just a matter of finding it.
Unfortunately our local governments are not always that keen on sharing this information.
If you’re from the Humber or Yorkshire regions and you’re unemployed, you can get your training fully funded through Jobcentre Plus and ESF (European Social Fund). You need to contact Jobcentre Plus and ask them to help you to get a job through the “Driving to Work” scheme. ESF will then fund 45% of your training and Jobcentre Plus will fund the rest.
See: driver-hire.co.uk/test/
If you’re from anywhere else in the UK you should be able to get the 45% funding through ESF.
See: esf.gov.uk/intro/index.shtml
If you’re from Llanelli (like I am) you can get your license funded through a scheme called “Work based Learning for Addults” under ETMA, Llanelli Rural Council.
With most of these schemes for unemployed you can get put through training when you’ve been unemployed for 6 months and over. Don’t despair if you haven’t. There’s usually a fast track rule that will apply if you have any health issues. This could be asthma, back pain, etc etc…most of us can find something I’m sure.
So come on guys…get out there !