Need a new start

Hi everyone,

I am desperate to move abroad with a driving job with my family and i don’t have a clue were to start, Can anyone help me on any ideas on how to achieve this it would much appreciated.

Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Really :question:

And you base this on what exactly :question:

You failed, so everybody will fail, is that how it works :question:

With the annual tax rebate most drivers I know are putting over $5000 in the bank every month and what costs you a pound costs us a dollar, so you would have to be completely reckless with money to end up skint :unamused:

It depends which company he went to Mark, I wouldn’t give much hope for those who join H&R for instance, at least Taffy and Chunk got out before it ruined them.
I know that down here the cost of living is horrendous now, even though I earn more than most in the USA it’s a hard struggle sometimes. Taxes are off the scale and health care is disgracefully over expensive.

It ain’t so bad up here, the taxes and healthcare are the killler for you lot.

We can cover all our outgoings easily on my wages, including the new car we got for the missus last week, then we have her wages for luxuries/savings…kerching

Obviously neither of us work at H&R :laughing:

It’s one of the reasons I worry about that Bridgewater college scheme, I can see some young cab happy lads being well and truly taken in and coming off worse than they are in the UK.


Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

Really :question:

And you base this on what exactly :question:

You failed, so everybody will fail, is that how it works :question:

With the annual tax rebate most drivers I know are putting over $5000 in the bank every month and what costs you a pound costs us a dollar, so you would have to be completely reckless with money to end up skint :unamused:


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail - its been said so many times on here, do your research before making the leap !!! I came out here in a group of 6 and theres only two of us left here now. Too many people get off the plane with $$$s in their eyes and want it all at once without thinking about the reality of life,I can still see more brits leaving our place because they want the big house, the flash car and money in the bank but it just doesnt happen like that !! You WILL find it a struggle for at least the first twelve months and should be prepared for that, i know people that have got off the plane here and are completely potless expecting to be rich within the first 6 weeks and those are the ones who now have 4 maxed out credit cards, a flash pick up parked on the drive that they cant afford to run or pay for and are still skint through lack of preparation. Canada can work for most people but you have to be prepared to wait in order to reap the benefits.

It ain’t so bad up here, the taxes and healthcare are the killler for you lot.

We can cover all our outgoings easily on my wages, including the new car we got for the missus last week, then we have her wages for luxuries/savings…kerching

Obviously neither of us work at H&R :laughing:

Someone has to pay for the next war and invasion force. Very strange that no-one has invaded Zimbabwe yet.

You know these people who say they want to get out of this country, the main reason for doing so is because of the amount of foreigners.

Oh the Irony :laughing:

Hi there,
don’t go to Canada!!!
I been there and came back with family. 95 Percent of all Truck river who went there came back.
The pay is so low that you cant pay you Rent.

You either worked for a ■■■■■ company or bad money management. I got a great house nice pick up on the drive and have a very comfy life.

Wheel Nut:

It ain’t so bad up here, the taxes and healthcare are the killler for you lot.

We can cover all our outgoings easily on my wages, including the new car we got for the missus last week, then we have her wages for luxuries/savings…kerching

Obviously neither of us work at H&R :laughing:

Someone has to pay for the next war and invasion force. Very strange that no-one has invaded Zimbabwe yet.

You know these people who say they want to get out of this country, the main reason for doing so is because of the amount of foreigners.

Oh the Irony :laughing:

I often say that…with my tongue firmly in my cheek, you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that agree :laughing:

sorry deleated due to friends requiste as CIC investigating,

Your family must be 100% behind you as a wife at home complaining everytime you skype is /must be a killer.

The best words ever mentioned about trying Canada. Seriously this will break you :wink:

see above


Company’s who keep getting caught eventuly have to use e logs to keep there carriers licence.
As you say taking the ■■■■ ruins it for everyone

NB is no different. The more “family orientated” the company claims to be, the crapper the job usually is. They are ofcourse family oritentated, what they dont say is that they’re entirely orientated towards their own family and the driver and his family can go to hell, which in these cases is generally behind the wheel of one of their trucks.
There is many a company here who’s entire office staff are holier than thou, go to church every Sunday and butter wouldn’t melt, yet they employ locals stupid enough to say yes and dupe foreigners in to coming over, only to work them 24/7 (this usually means sitting around all day wide awake waiting for a load, or on a loading dock and then the demand to drive all night) and suddenly those Christian morals they’re supposed to have only apply to their fellow office workers and not the riff raff driving the trucks.

Must admit I found the religious zealots hard to take and they seemed the most unchristian of the lot. Which is a shame as I found most Canadians to be real nice people.

see above

Jimmy, I’ve taken the company name out, there could be implications for the forum as it is hearsay, even though you’ve heard it from the horse’s mouth. It won’t take too much to find out the company for those that choose to do a bit of research :wink:

Re: The above.

I know somebody that works for the firm mentioned, they’ve been there for 5yrs and they reckon that it is nothing like that on there :open_mouth:

Not only that, the bloke is a lazy git and hasn’t got 20hrs work in him, so it doesn’t make sense :confused:

How well do you know this bloke Jimmy :question: