Nearly Two Pallets of Baked Beans Stolen

Near where I live. But 6000 tins? … r-24637628

Someone’s going to be living on beans and toast for a while

Value (at full retail price) around £4k. I’m sure they could knock them out through a “co-operative” wholesaler for a grand or more. Not a bad return for an hour or two’s “work”?

They will all be up Newcastle now!

Cuppa beans like…

If only the driver had the benefit of Heinz sight then he would not have chosen to park up there!

Not the drivers problem is it…

A Police spokesman reckons it won’t be long before they get wind of the culprits…

(Ill get me coat)

“Police are appealing for information, especially about anyone trying to sell large quantities of Heinz baked beans in suspicious circumstances,” a force spokesman said.

Genius…My local Tesco was having a special offer on baked beans should I report them.

How on earth do you sell baked beans in suspicious circumstances… :slight_smile:

Found the culprit already

If only the driver had the benefit of Heinz sight then he would not have chosen to park up there!


I know the specialist fuel stations for em are rare in the UK, but I wonder if the thieves are running a new Volvo LNG (natural gas) FM truck?

Value (at full retail price) around £4k. I’m sure they could knock them out through a “co-operative” wholesaler for a grand or more. Not a bad return for an hour or two’s “work”?

See? Stacking tins DOES pay more than driving!

Classic… … 6dm9rN6oTs

Thieves cut a large hole in the curtain-sided lorry and took nearly two pallets of the tins of Heinz baked beans with sausages.

They must be really stiff sausages to lift 2 whole pallets.

I heard police are looking at people with possible ‘links’ to the crime.

He must have bean sound asleep to not hear a sausage.

Maybe the driver had gassed himself with a couple of tins.

If the driver gets the sack, maybe they could go into rendering business, apparently pebble dashing is coming back into fashion