Nearly a Newbie

Hi all, have been looking through various threads on here for couple of weeks for any inspiration & peoples thoughts in general. I’m waiting to get my licence back so i can sit & hopefully pass the Theory test. Looking to take class C around the end of this month early next…Based in Darlington & hoping someone can offer any views on training providers around the Teeside area, have pretty much narrowed it down to Premier LGV in Darlington as its close to home & a good rate with 1 to 1 training over 3 days…Any advise on Agency’s or reputable firms to write to once i pass would be a help, willing to travel upto 25 miles for the right job…i know it will be hard to find work as everyone seems point this out but a carear in driving is what i want & need to do asap…Currently have my own garage business which is a struggle in the current climate & not taken a wage for 6 months !!! So not to bothered about working 40/50/60/70 hrs as long as there’s some cash at the end of the week…Any advice for searching for work in the North East would be much appreciated ( intend to take C+E soon after obtaining C as that’s what seems to be the main need up here )…I will keep you posted on how the training goes :slight_smile:

. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome humdinger :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .
All the LGV TRAINING TIPS, including the Recommended LGV training schools that have been recommended by members, can be accessed by clicking on the link in my signature :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
The link includes THE INITIAL DRIVER CPC which started on 10 Sept 2009.

i know it will be hard to find work as everyone seems point this out but a carear in driving is what i want & need to do asap.

A read of THIS POST may be useful.

Forum with some useful stuff and Forum for questions on drivers hours

Hey Humdinger

Welcome to the forum.
Fraid im not from you neck of the woods so can not help with the agency nor firms, but im sure there are others on this pages that can help.

hoping someone can offer any views on training

Now im sure there is someone on these pages that has that kind of information…now what is his name…nope its gone… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Ah Rog thats it!!

intend to take C+E soon after obtaining C as that’s what seems to be the main need up here

Nice to see a newbie on here that has put in a little reseach into what is in demand.

hopefully pass the Theory test

Im sure with you putting in time and know your stuff, HOPE wont come into it!!
I wish you the best with it and your training.

Thanks for the welcome guys…& yes Rog is the man !!!..i’ve read pretty much all the advice you give & can’t fault it from a trainee’s point of view ( you shoyld write a book :slight_smile: )…unless you already have :slight_smile:…will keep everyone updated how things progress :slight_smile:

i’ve read pretty much all the advice you give & can’t fault it from a trainee’s point of view

Many members did major contributions to that advice - I just put them all in one place.

Hi humdinger,

It’s good to have you aboard, and please don’t forget to ask for any advice during your training. :smiley:

Welcome humdinger! :smiley: :smiley:

All the best with your training :smiley: :smiley:


Many Thanks for all your’e support, will keep the site updated with progress :slight_smile: