Nearly 500 threads on speed cameras!

I go to work to earn money not to pay fines

From the mouth of one of our countries finest, ie. A traffic cop.
They have speed cameras instead of police speed traps because traffic cops can only catch 1 at na time then has to process each one, a scamera can catch every speeder and therefore is more cost effective.
To me that says they are revenue raisers not for safety, you can go as fast as you want between the cameras and slow down when approaching one.

The presence of a traffic cop will make drivers THINK about all aspects of their driving - a speed camera will not.

The truth us that its not speed that kills, its inappropriate speed and negligence that are the culprits. A camera that tells the story of 1.5 seconds of a drivers journey cannot never and will never improve road safety.

A couple of pages related to this from one of my favourite books - MIND DRIVING…

Oh god ROG, not the ruddy book again! :laughing: :laughing:

PUT THE BOOK DOWN and back away, very slowly. We’ll get you some help.

Oh god ROG, not the ruddy book again! :laughing: :laughing:

PUT THE BOOK DOWN and back away, very slowly. We’ll get you some help.

gives an interesting perspective though :slight_smile:

I found my self nodding sagely with most of the points in Rogs book.
How is it a contribution to road saftey to have traffic flowing then sudden braking if a sat nav flags up a camera we all slow some fools apply hand brake so as not to show brake lights for reasons best known to themselves.
We are contending with yet another hazard in what we all know can be a stress full enough occupation.