Nationl Cpc holder needed in Coventry

Hello all

My first post.

I am looking for a national Cpc holder in Coventry for two trucks. Not looking to pay loads. Not expecting much done. Looking at 200 quids a month or thereabouts? Anyone just pm me. Needed right away.

Hello and welcome to TruckNet UK.

The current VOSA/DfT guidance for external transport managers for 2 vehicles or less is that they should be contracted to you for at least 8 hours per week. Even on minimum wage (currently £6.08/hour) that works out at £210/month…

Should you ever get a third vehicle the requirement goes up to 15h/week which works out to about £395/month at min wage…

Now personally I would want a lot more than minimum wage to work as a transport manager, but you might find someone out there willing to work for less I suppose…

VOSA are starting to get quite strict on this. The days of being able to bung a mate a couple of hundred quid a month to put their name down whilst they never actually do any work are pretty much gone. If you’re paying someone else to be your TM you are very quickly going to be better off paying to put yourself through your CPC so you can do it yourself. I got through mine by self studying with the David Lowe book and the total cost including the exams was less than you will be paying for an external TM for one month.
