… -offenders
Is that welcome break holdings at Newport bagnell = the services ?
Tut tut… ‘TAX’ relief for companies sure is helping the staff out … -offenders
Is that welcome break holdings at Newport bagnell = the services ?
Tut tut… ‘TAX’ relief for companies sure is helping the staff out
Apparently a lot of companies are find and forced to pay the staff back pay
Nice to see HMRC cracking down as they should.
Now… Let’s see some rich folk made un-millionaires next eh?
Good to see its being cracked down on with naming as well, theres a small hairdressers in my village on that list
What about the biggest offender? Her Majesty’s Government. Specifically the D.W.P.
The people on JSA sent to work and only getting JSA. My opinion is they should get National Minimum Wage rates for the hours they work.
Call me cynical but I cant help thinking dirt cheap labour for some companies
What about the biggest offender? Her Majesty’s Government. Specifically the D.W.P.
The people on JSA sent to work and only getting JSA. My opinion is they should get National Minimum Wage rates for the hours they work.
Call me cynical but I cant help thinking dirt cheap labour for some companies
Now I hate the establishment as much if not more than the next man but… You’re off your head lol you shouldn’t get a penny if you arnt working, no excuses no work in my area etc, ■■■■■■■ move then. It doesn’t seem hard for these migrants to move country to find work so what’s moving city or town if not only as pain in the arse
I was made redundant 35 years ago and tried to get work in the locality.There was not much doing then.I found work 30 miles away ,back then there was a job relocation scheme where the Govt. would help with removal and relocation costs.Its a bit harsh saying a man with a family should up sticks and go .
Nice to see HMRC cracking down as they should.
Now… Let’s see some rich folk made un-millionaires next eh?
While I agree that the Revenue should be cracking down on these shysters, I have no idea why you want want to see some millionaires lose their fortunes. If they’ve made it fair an square what’s the problem, apart from jealously and the typical Little Englander syndrome of disliking someone just because they happen to have done well for themselves?
Nice to see HMRC cracking down as they should.
If you take your time and read it, then its basically an announcement that HMRC have had their budget for this increased by £3 million. Based on the “phenomenal success” of what ? 92 employers owing roughly £316,000 ? So, lets not forget, that £3 mil was the increase. The total budget for this stands at £12.2 million. It would be cheaper for taxpayers for the government to pay the employers the shortfall!! Of course, some on the list will be genuine oversights, not that it matters for the HMRC naming and shaming criteria, even if you found out you paid wrong and do repay your name still goes on the list of “shame”.
Pity they never put themselves on the name and shame list for letting Vodafone off paying a £6.75
Billion tax bill. … 94169.html
And everyones exited that 92 employers have been shamed ? Maybe the £316,000 they have been paid back will circulate through the system and cure the problems we have now in the NHS ? Oh, no. That would have been Vodafones £6 billion that would of done that !!