Following on from a different thread which discusses carrying your DCPC card and driving licence, would you be happy with some sort of “all in one” card?
If it had all the info for me including passport, cashpoint/chip and pin, driving licence, DCPC, national insurance, vehicle insurance I would happily have one. If I can fit 30 films on one sd card, the technology must be available.
Most of us always have to carry at least one card. Why not just one card that does everything?
Have no problem with all in one National identity card BUT I Would like to see the Lgv back on a separate licence so that it would operate two different penatly/endorsement systems
Sounds like summit fae ■■■■ germany, show me your papers! You would need one organization to get all the information from all the different sources that sounds like too much power. For it to work technology wise you would need to turn people into numbers. You want to stick a camera in my living room aswell while your at it. How about tattooing my identity number to my forehead aswell.
See the less the government knows the better, cause they will just bloody stick another tax on you.
Civil liberties get eroded all the time, for example each cctv camera is an erosion to the right to privacy.
I never understood all the hoo haa about national identity cards last time it was big news, if you have a driving licence you have one already don’t you? It carries far more information than they wanted to put on an ID card anyway so what’s the problem. And as for the costs they used to bandy about, £150 or so per person, bs. They should get the dvla to do them, they only cost £20 for a replacement As for putting all the other stuff on well crack on, I’ve nothing to hide.
Having said that I have just someone try to buy a £1200 holiday on my bank card, luckily they rejected it so nothing lost, except my card which has been cut up & will take 5-10 days to replace. Where I’d I get cash from? Take 2 forms of ID to the bank!
Would like to see the Lgv back on a separate licence so that it would operate two different penatly/endorsement systems
Always thought this.
However I don’t understand the obsession with every man and his dog wanting to know who I am. I’ve got your delivery do you want it or not? If I was Abdul Bassett Ali Al Megrahi would you need it any less?
Would like to see the Lgv back on a separate licence so that it would operate two different penatly/endorsement systemsAlways thought this.
However I don’t understand the obsession with every man and his dog wanting to know who I am. I’ve got your delivery do you want it or not? If I was Abdul Bassett Ali Al Megrahi would you need it any less?
My name is Richard Head in a lot of RDC’s
Would an all-in-one card make identity theft easier?
Would an all-in-one card make identity theft easier?
I wouldn’t think it would make it any easier. There are plenty of other ways people can clone or steal your identity these days without actually having your Driving Licence or whatever. They can get your identity by hacking computers etc.
I used to be a great champion of how IT could be used to improve all our lives.
Until someone told me the real motives behind computerising everyones medical records & holding them on a central database. From a very respected source who is/was very high up in the food chain.
I won’t go into the details, I don’t think it would change anyone here’s mind, but needless to say it is in no way beneficial to the average man in the street.
You are kidding right? You cannot put that on here and leave it at that. Tell us what you know and let us decide what we will think of it, we are all big enough.
You are kidding right? You cannot put that on here and leave it at that. Tell us what you know and let us decide what we will think of it, we are all big enough.
Google it, you have nothing to fear.
Agree with you merc0447, I reckon microchipping us all would suit them aswell if they could!
Agree with you merc0447, I reckon microchipping us all would suit them aswell if they could!
Life in the modern day, so called free west would have being beyond the wildest dreams of the authorities in the Soviet Union or the DDR. In Britain for example, every day hundreds, if not thousands or ordinary people who veer away slightly from robotic perfection are prosecuted via cctv camera’s and a faceless jobsworth in a control centre for a whole variety of reasons. Drivers are penalised for the slightest of speeding infractions and truck drivers face prosecution and loss of livelihood for having the audacity to go over their driving time for the length of time it takes a kettle to boil.
If Erich Honecker had the technology available to him and given the Stasi the power to use it on the population of the DDR, we’d all have being up in arms, but now the Iron Curtain has fallen, we seem to have sleep walked in to a surveillance society that not only matches that of the former communist block, but far surpasses it.
ID cards in any shape or form are pointless when we live in a country that allows certain people to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe allowing them not to be identified.
Robin Hood,couldn’t agree more with your post,big concern!
ID cards in any shape or form are pointless when we live in a country that allows certain people to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe allowing them not to be identified.
I’ve been asked to take the hood down from my coat / hooded top in supermarkets before “for security reasons” yet the burka is perfectly legitimate.
However, I’d still rather have 1 card which does everything, licence, national insurance, National ID etc. I also believe that all users of any NHS service or benefit recipients should have to produce a card BEFORE any treatment or claims etc. No card, no treatment, no money!
+1I’ve been asked to take the hood down from my coat / hooded top in supermarkets before “for security reasons” yet the burka is perfectly legitimate.
You have a choice, as do the wearers of Burqa’s. They choose not to remove it.
However, I’d still rather have 1 card which does everything, licence, national insurance, National ID etc. I also believe that all users of any NHS service or benefit recipients should have to produce a card BEFORE any treatment or claims etc. No card, no treatment, no money!
Would you deny a person medical attention because they don’t conform?
Are benefits really handed out willy nilly, regardless of entitlement?
Why do we need this magical card that gives us access to all our wonderful things?
ID cards in any shape or form are pointless when we live in a country that allows certain people to wear clothes that cover them from head to toe allowing them not to be identified.
if i was a bank robber i 'd wear a burkha…
can you imagine what a pain in the arse it would be(and the hoops you would have to jump through) if you lost your cashpoint/driving license/dcpc/insurance/passport/i d card?
Would an all-in-one card make identity theft easier?
Yes, it would.
We quite often hear about how someone ‘lost’ their laptop on the train, or their car got ‘done over’ and their laptop was stolen. Personal medical documents were recently found in a land fill site. These stories crop up often enough.
If we all had national ID cards, all the data would be in a database somewhere. The police, and others, would need to have instant access to that database. VOSA, medical staff, UK Border Force, etc.
The more authorised persons who can get access to a database, the easier it is for unauthorised persons to get access too. Once they get in, absolutely everything on record is there for the taking.
The data they could gain access to would tell them everything they needed to know about you and make it easy to clone your identity.