National CPC Home Study

Hi, I’d like to do a home study for a National CPC. I’ve searched the forum and there seems to be a lot of links but some of the stuff seems out dated.

Can anyone advise who would be a good organisation to enrol with?


Where are you based?

Also not being funny but home study takes a lot of discipline. A lot of people try it but find to many distractions. But if your going to do it on nights out…

I considered the home study when I did mine, eventually I opted for the classroom based course and I’m glad I did.

A large part of the course involves company law, financial management, commercial conduct of business and lots of things I was not familiar with, in fact the first eight or roughly one third of the course deals solely with these things.

You also have to calculate vehicle running costs depreciation, the maths side is fairly difficult, It is do-able at home but you won’t have the support of the tutor or fellow students which I found invaluable.

The case study is published as I remember 1 week before the exam, my tutor was able to very accurately predict the likely questions we were going to be asked so we were able to focus our revision, The qualification has the equivalent value of an ‘A’ level so it’s not easy.

Novadata are competitive on price. … g-hinkley/

Thanks for the input. I’m in Leicester.

I take your point about distractions but I do get a fair bit of POA time that I could use more wisely. Maybe I could look at a mix of home study / classroom, I’ll have to look into it.

If you signed up with a training school to do the exam in December, I’m sure you could get the study notes, than study at home & POA, then do the week in the class room exam week.

You can’t do the National in isolation any more. There’s a new syllabus which means you have to do National and International together.

I took the National last December through home study, although I had a one day “refresher” immediately prior to the exam. It was a great help, and I’m glad I made the time for the day. We ran through a lot of previous papers, and I got a much better idea of the expected content and layout of the answers. Even simple things, like knowing where the bogs/smoking area etc are prior to exam day eases the pressure a bit.

If you’re half bright, I reckon a whole week’s training would bore the ■■■■■■■■ off you.

You can’t do the National in isolation any more. There’s a new syllabus which means you have to do National and International together.

I took the National last December through home study, although I had a one day “refresher” immediately prior to the exam. It was a great help, and I’m glad I made the time for the day. We ran through a lot of previous papers, and I got a much better idea of the expected content and layout of the answers. Even simple things, like knowing where the bogs/smoking area etc are prior to exam day eases the pressure a bit.

If you’re half bright, I reckon a whole week’s training would bore the ■■■■■■■■ off you.

Home study and a refresher course worked for me too !