Nast Weather

Its that time of year with the heavy rain and gale force winds :frowning: , Hope you lads/lasses in them high-siders take care. Coming up the A1 today (shut again) as usual, i was empty and was getting blown all over the place, in a transporter, watching them high taughts in front of me thinking thank god i dont drive them any more, i bet most of them when they got back to the yard had to have new foam put in there seats after there arse was biting into it when getting caught by them mighty gusts.

Take care and be safe in them high-winds.

DITTO :frowning:

I couldn’t get to Gateshead on time ( or anywhere near it ) this afternoon because of the chaos on the A1. Doing the job on Sunday instead for double time :smiley:

On my way back I saw two artics overturned and the queues were massive. I hear both these guys were uninjured, which is good news.

An interesting day as my first time out in a class 1 during strong wind.

being one of those drivers who has to get home in nort east :smiley: early hours friday morning i got a phone call from mate heading south bound as i past him at scotch corner telling me the wind gets worse further up to home said wasnt that bad lol …only to come down the hill just before chester le street turn off (jct 61 i think) just before crossing the bridge only to nearly do my buisness in the seat as i slammed on when wind cought my truck and high sided curtain half loaded. sure the wheels lifted. So decided to crawl the rest of my journey to depot at 35mph

Lucy didnt make it home last night, combination of late load, and hearing about the carnage on the A1 and deciding it would be daft to try… :wink: :wink:

I left Birtley 05:00 Friday morning southbound with and empty euroliner on after being woken at 02:30 by the wind rocking the cab and everything on the cab rattling and banging.

Was a bloody scary run down till I reached the M1 when it kinda let up a little.

I know what you mean, Freek - I left Tees for Bradford with an empty 40ft hicube at 8am, and to say it was frisky was an understatement. :open_mouth:

Trying to sheet/unsheet my tipper in the quarry on the top of the mountain yesterday was an interesting experience.

The wind was howling and changing direction all the time. I needed help to unsheet, then loaded and drove out the quarry until I was somewhere less windy before sheeting up.

Pontefract to Motherwell and back last night via the M62 M61 M6 etc due to A1 being closed… coming back this morning it was blowing me all over the road. had a box on so couldnt open curtains etc and it was empty.

The worst point was between 0200 and 0500 it were a bit tasty. :open_mouth:

A stressful night by any standards :open_mouth: :open_mouth: 13.5 hours mind :wink: :wink:

iv got a egg head :angry: stupid curtain strap with metal end decided to take me on lol cracked me right on fore head