Name this livery

I know these colours but cant remember who/where

It’s an ex-Basset Roadways unit but they are 2 tone blue

its rather similar to Bewick transport’ I don’t think its his ,but I suspect he may know .


what about Oldhams at Barford?

nah, dirty brown was theirs

In the 1960/1970`s , there was a family-owned livestock dealership who operated Foden tractor units with a similar
livery. They were called J. & J. Forster , and they had farms near Wigan and St. Helens , and also a slaughterhouse in Wigan.

The Fodens pulled step-framed semi trailers , the earlier ones had containers made by ( Thornes ? ) and then Williams.
Their last double-deck cattle trailer was of Houghton-Parkhouse manufacture.

I am unable to quote the exact cab design model nos., but perhaps someone might now remember more.
As far as I know , the family were running a Scania and drawbar , - with a similar livery to the Fodens.

The only other haulier with a similar colour scheme was Wm. Nicol , of Coatbridge , Scotland…
They used to transport long lengths of steel pipes.
I hope this is of some help.

Cheers , cattle wagon man.

Archers tpt by The Belfry on the A446 :question: :question: :question:

Archers tpt by The Belfry on the A446 :question: :question: :question:

I would say your right there mate.


Archers tpt by The Belfry on the A446 :question: :question: :question:

I would say your right there mate.


Archers tpt by The Belfry on the A446 :question: :question: :question:


I used to call on them at that site and the garage in Hurley flogging parts (hopefully)



A quick google for “archers foden” brought up a whole website for this very truck:

No wonder its in Archers livery then…

How about Wm Nicoll`s of Coatbridge Lanarkshire .