Name that stobrat driver but watch out,he sounds a right hooligan… :open_mouth:

dieseldog999: but watch out,he sounds a right hooligan… :open_mouth:

Brilliant i sat and listened to more of the Hector Brocklebank clips my sides are now aching with the laughter , class!

:laughing: :laughing:

“He walks with a limp” - Agency driver :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Never heard of Hector but after listening to that I couldn’t stop laughing and found more on utube, hilarious.

that was very good ,its a shame there is nothing like this on other stations,i e breeze ,jack fm, heart,and others,a good laugh makes the day better,anyone heard the BMW one I think its from Australia on you tube it is very good,its from a guy called yamin vong and its a complaint about a BMW 320 auto gearbox,hilarious