N/S Cab Window

Does anyone know if this is still a option on specing a new unit ?
am refering to the small cab Window on the N/S not saw one in ages and was just thinking about it today at a very bad give way ! was cursing the people who deleted it probably to save a few £’s
Altho never used it a lot the rear window was very handy when doing blind side reverses/jack knives into shops with M&S

So was it just a money saving or was it to give them cominality with L/H drive trucks?(saving cash as well)

The less windows the better IMHO, don’t need a window in the side as you’re saying. Having one means the cab is less secure, has less insulation for cold heat noise and then you have the pain of more curtains and less cab wall.

Last two units ive had both day cabs current man tga has no rear window last one scania 124 had one and it was a godsend when doing a blind side reverse.
Before we start the profesional drver should be able to reverse in mirrors etc debate i am ok at blindeside reverse. when you are in a confined busy space it makes it a lot easier.

Think the windows were done away with around the time that convex mirrors were getting better than the round ones we used to have, have to confess those side windows were handy at times, BUT those cabs were chilly in the winter…

Who can remember the F7’s, without night heaters, having to peel the curtains away from the frozen glass of a morning…

When I drive our artic I don’t find the little N/S window much use as I can kink the unit round at a tight junction, however in my 6 wheeler it is really handy as getting the cab round tends to block the traffic going the other way.

The rear cab window is really great for blindside reverses with an empty trailer.

Drove a Leyland FG “Trepenny bit cab” - standard fitment in those days :laughing:

I had a unit yesterday without a rear window, which is a rarity in the fleet. I reversed like an utter fool - especially blindside …so can thus conclude that I prefer to have more than just mirrors to rely upon.

I remember trucks like the F7, which had windows all round, so no cold or noise insulation and was a greenhouse when the sun was out.