Does anyone here use MyFerryLink (was SeaFrance)?
You might be interested to know that the Competition Commission is trying to close it because the ships are owned by EuroTunnel.
Not quite sure how forcing an operator to close improves competition, but what would I know?
Eurtunnel started My ferry link in order to stop a third operator starting up on Do-Cal with the ex seafrance boats. They have a 40% share in Eastern cross channel traffic, and it was deemed with current capacity one of the 3 operators on DoCal (P&O, DFDS & My ferry Link) will cease that route. By squeezing any potential competition they will end up with a monopoly which will drive up prices.
The commission can’t stop Eurotunnel running ferries, but can stop them from running into / from UK ports.
Funny how the commission never seem to pay much attention to The Steam Packet Co! Anyone who’s tried to get to The IOM from the English side knows what a complete rip off they are.
Strangely enough using them to sail there from Ireland is considerably cheaper. Go figure.
This will be an interesting one as when Eurotunnel bought SeaFrance the French government stipulated that Eurotunnel couldn’t sell it for 5 yrs to protect jobs!
Me thinks Eurotunnel have got the EEC over a barrel on this one.
Yet another short sighted decision by some beuracratic clown in Brussels that no doubt will cost millions to sort out.
Apparently the ferry to the Isle of Wight is the most expensive per km in the world!
Something that puzzles me about the Competition Commission.
There are two Severn Bridges, and two Dartford Crossings (1 tunnel, 1 bridge).
Surely one of each should be in the hands of a separate company so they can compete with each other?
i hope it doesnt finish i think its a pretty decent ferry definatley better than dfds dover calais and always on time
Apparently the ferry to the Isle of Wight is the most expensive per km in the world!
Something that puzzles me about the Competition Commission.
There are two Severn Bridges, and two Dartford Crossings (1 tunnel, 1 bridge).
Surely one of each should be in the hands of a separate company so they can compete with each other?
And why is there only ONE Competition Commission?