My Project!!!!!!!

This has been keeping me busy this year, it is nearly finished now, just not taken any recent pics, tell me what you think and if any1 uses A75 they will know where it is!!!

Very nice, just be aware that wolves have been known to Huff and Puff! :laughing:

Are you going Geothermal with the underfloor?.

Im suprised you need such big
foundation blocks for a wooden house hope it goes well looks like you will be having a dormer roof too !!!.

That is very cool! What a project. Well done that man.

what the ■■■■ is that in the floor? looks very cool :laughing:

what the [zb] is that in the floor? looks very cool :laughing:

Under floor heating… (I THINK)

Yes underfloor heating and if he is using Geothermal its almost free heat.

How it works.

Underfloor heating runs on a lot lower temperatures than central heating.

BRILLIANT! Great project, looks and bound to feel good when you’re living inside too!‘:D’


yes its geothermal heating, 420mtrs of pipes buried in garden and then goes into a heat pump and other gizmo’s. proper job. foundation blocks are that wide because you need 6" for timber to sit on, 2" cavity and 4" blockwork skin.
should be in by february. money running out drasticallly. i’l take more pics and add them later.
thanks for looking. all opinions are welcome.

Did you buy the land that was for sale across from teh Shell garage where teh window place ued to be? :smiley:

it,s brill can you build me one

Did you buy the land that was for sale across from teh Shell garage where teh window place ued to be? :smiley:

Yeah. Its next door to the window place. bought it at beginning of year.