My old job back (hopefully)

i applied for my old job back (night trunking) which i enjoyed,but left cos the grass is greener ect ect.
my old TM just phoned and asked me to go see him for an interview next week.
my question is this,do you think i have a good chance of getting my job back? i left on good terms and in the correct manner but i`m wondering why another interview when he knows all about me?
is it the norm or is it a farce? :unamused: :laughing:

Depends upon the company, if it’s a large company then it could be company policy & you could be on a short list of one.

Seems normal to me. in a past life I used to do the same to people who had left and then wanted to rejoin.
It wasn’t a formal interview as we already knew them and their work record. More of a chat to discuss why they left, what had changed and that they really wanted to come back.
As he phoned you I would agree that the job is most likely yours if you want it.
Go and see him, what have you got to lose?
Best of luck.

I agree with Chunky it will be an interview about any comitment problem and to explain to you that you will be starting again on the seniority pile. Good Luck! :wink:

It could just be company policy that all candidates must have an interview. The thing is you know the job they know you and if you are lookng to return it might be you are less likely to leave because you know the grass isn’t greener.
Over the last 10 years I’ve been back to work for 1 employer about 5 or 6 times. The longest I worked for him was 2 years. I’ve just left again after a 6 months stint, but have been told if it doesn’t work out he has a job for me. :smiley:

I also once worked for Norwich Union and after 6 months they offered me a perminant position, so I had to have a formal interview with the HR manager for the job I was already doing.
It went something like this:
Why do you think you’ll be able to so this job?
Duh!! Because I’ve done the job for the last 6 months and if I couldn’t do it then I would be offered a perminant job. :confused:

Think its legal requirement now, they have to prove that they choose you on merit and not because of your age, ■■■, race etc… :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink: