My Little Rant

I think it should be made law that all vehicles have accurate and calibrated speedos (possibly include it in the MOT)

Coming through the roadworks (bad enough at 50) on the M6 through Brum today, passed J8 and it turned to a 60 limit. I end up stuck behind all manner of unlimited, with miles of road in front of them, doing 50ish.

They won’t move to the left, that’d take far too much energy. I’m not sure, but I reckon they think we can use lane 3/4.

If they had any concept of the laws of the road, they’d know I’m limited to 56, and can’t use said lane. So if I can only do 56 in a 60, why the hell am I stuck behind them?

As these folk have no common sense whatsoever, I suggest that all matrix signs that aren’t giving relevant information are made to display things like “move left after overtaking” or “you may have all the time to arse about, but the truck up your backside has a tachograph in it”

Here endeth this evenings rant!

Well not quite. Final major annoyance. Driver doing 60 in 60 limit comes past me, but being followed by wide boy in German saloon doing 70-80. So they wang it left, not giving a fig about my braking ability, or my front bumper for that matter, then once they’re about 4 feet in front of me. Why the frig do they stamp on their anchors.

Rant deffo over now!

Thank God I’m off for a week, don’t get me started about who might drive my motor, and what they might do to it.

Enjoy your weekend folks

This is very annoying, I used to get really wound up by it. Now if the numptys won’t move over, I move over, into lane 3/4.

Yes it’s against the law but as long as I don’t hold anyone up there is no harm in it.

Tin hat on :laughing:

Right right right.

I only do that in the early hours, when it’s Holland & Barrett vs Tesco doing the 50/52 fight up a three mile hill. :wink:

I only do that in the early hours, when it’s Holland & Barrett vs Tesco doing the 50/52 fight up a three mile hill. :wink:

Thats so un proffesional of you…

I do exactly the same.

Truck speedos have to be within 2% accurate, cars 10%.
How can you tell a truck is set at 56mph max from another vehicle? Tesco, Chep, etc.
Chill man.


An accurate and calibrated speedo wont stop people doing 50 in a 60.

This is very annoying, I used to get really wound up by it. Now if the numptys won’t move over, I move over, into lane 3/4.

Yes it’s against the law but as long as I don’t hold anyone up there is no harm in it.

Tin hat on :laughing:

Then and only then will the numpty that was holding you up speed up to 60mph.

I think they do it to show that you can’t intimidate them with your great big lorry. That’s not the case. Most of us are simply trying to make progress.

You have encountered the dive bombers, these drivers follow trucks for miles with low traffic volumes, then they overtake at full speed, and dive bomb with inches to spare in front of trucks, it must be a new sport or dare me to do it.All this fuss to exit the next motorway exit.
Why do car drivers put their brakes on when they see a HATO vehicle on the bridge or at the side of the motorway.?
The M5 in both directions must be the worst one for slow drivers that doodle below the speed limit, to the state of being dangerous driving.