My first diary (loads of pictures) removal to spain

This removal was done back in 2006,therefore this is a rough guide to how
it went from memory.

This removal was from a penthouse flat in Bournemouth,packed and loaded
it Friday morning.Left the yard Sunday night for the late Portsmouth to St Malo
sailing which sails around midnight.

Arrived in St Malo,Monday morning and headed for Rennes,then onto Nantes
over the bridge with the timber yard.Those huge trees must come in on a
boat from another country ?

Headed round Nantes and down to Bordeaux via the A83/A10.Stopped for
a break in one of the many services.Cracked on again and made down past
Bordeaux before having another break and swapping drivers.Made Bilbao
for the night and found a fish restaurant.
Day two headed for Burgos and then towards Madrid.

As you drive through Madrid you come across a shanti town,which was a bit
of a shock :open_mouth:

A big building site at Madrid.

Passed this heavy load and pulled in for a break past Madrid,he was a dutch
driver and we had a natter over some coffee and food,he was delivering in
Malaga,then back loading a boat which he was taking back to Holland.He
wasnt happy as he would have to use just the national roads through France
and was gonna take ages to get back . :frowning:

The weather was nice,bearing in mind it was January.
Made Granada and parked up.Walked into the city and come across a
bar called The London Bar,went in and had a cracking night it was run by
a spanish chap who had married an english girl from London funny enough!
Day three,left Granda and made our way down the A92 turning off into the
mountains heading for our delivery address which was some hamlet in
the middle of no where,i think the nearest place was called Alhama de
Granada.I had already checked with the customer about access for the
lorry,yeah no problems its a bit tight but your be alright !! :open_mouth:
The following pics are the roads in,starting with a nice mountain twisty
road,which was bloody narrow with tippers coming up the mountain from
a quarry.

Starting to unload.

The road in to the bungalow doesnt look too steep does it ■■?

This is the road in the pic above and im backing out,where you now get an
idea how steep it was,the back end is just missing the road!

Driving back out down through the hamlet.

Headed down to the coast road between Malaga and Motril and heres some

Building alot of new roads and bridges.

On the road from Motril towards Granada.

Dam and reservoir,with new bridge being built.

Cracked on past Granada and parked up for the night half way between
Granada and Madrid.

Left early the next morning ,wanted to get through madrid before it was too
busy. :cry:

Once past Madrid headed on over Somosierras

Now i cant remember exactly where this was in Spain but when you drive
through it you can smell the wine being made,its a very strong smell of
alcohol. :laughing:

Heading towards the top of Spain near France.

Another ■■■■■■ toll!

Heading up the forest road to Bordeaux,i like this road the forest goes on
for about 40/50 miles with fields,its a very nice drive.

Parked up in Bordeaux for the night and found a nice restuarant.
In the morning left a foggy Bordeaux and headed up towards Nantes.

Stopped for a break on route and then stopped by police for a general check.
Over the Nantes bridge and on pass Rennes towards Cherbourg.
Weather was a bit different to Spain.

On the way up to Cherbourg saw this old beauty,shame its been left to rot.

Heading down the hill into Cherbourg with the Barfleur just coming into Port.

Waiting to board the ferry, and driving on.

Why do they have to put you this tight ?

Unload Poole the next morning and home.(10 miles)

Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for posting the pic’s, I was down in Southern Spain a couple of weeks ago. It’s one of those places that drivers either love or hate, one wrote on another thread that he hated the place where I love it and the people.

Not much fun arriving at a pack house at 10am to get the ‘manana’ word, but hey, a bit of waiting around is just part of the job.


Was the smelly place Miranda … on the national just past Vitoria?

Hope you enjoyed.

Indeed I did mate. :smiley:
Excellent pics and story.:grimacing:

Excellent diary mate, I must get round to posting one myself :smiley:

It must be a bit snug in that cab with 2 of you?

At the moment, we are moving more people back from Spain than down to there. :open_mouth:

great pics mate and the old dafs tidy :wink:

I’ve done quite a few runs down to spain, I’m one of the people who loves it!!!

I don’t mean to hijack your thread, but here’s a link to my diary…

great pictures
handy to have someone who can take them with you as you drive.
spain is a lovely country,great food and plenty of places to stop for it if you can remember them with all the auto via by pass roads.

Hi Ross,i have only been to Spain a couple of times so dont really know
the country,bits are very nice some is boring like the bit from Madrid towards
Granada where you go about 70 miles and theres just olive trees each side
of the road.I find the people great,very helpful.

The Bear,your probably right about it being Miranda,i honestly dont know.

Jdc wouldnt know mate dont sleep in it :laughing:

Carl yeah shes an old girl although it had a new engine fitted just before i
bought it by a DAF main agent and to be fair shes never missed a beat
apart from a new starter motor,never uses any oil or water so its been a
bloody good motor :laughing:

niall-y cant get over that van overload in your diary :open_mouth:

Dieseldave and Greg glad you enjoyed.

Jdc wouldnt know mate dont sleep in it

Don’t tell me you sleep in a hotel every night you lucky git :laughing:

The first HGV I drove was a Daf 1900 with pod. The truck was fantastic and went on forever. Have you still got it? How many trucks are you running now? You and I ain’t far apart :smiley:

Brilliant diary with loads of fantastic pics! :sunglasses: More please :smiley:

The timber importers below the Pont St Naziare are Ouest Bois ( West Wood ) ,they are the largest importer of Brazilian hardwood on this side of France.

The timber importers below the Pont St Naziare are Ouest Bois ( West Wood ) ,they are the largest importer of Brazilian hardwood on this side of France.

Cheers for that theres some seriously big trees in there!

don’t you just love those little spanish villages, especially when it’s fiesta time & you end up dragging all their bunting down the road with you! :laughing:
mind you, the locals seem more concerned that you’re sitting in the wrong side of the vehicle than destroying all their party banners.
you can count me in on the love spain side, although i’ve only been once this year :frowning:

very good diary :smiley:

Nice post Dean good pictures, my 1st truck was a 2800ati daf so pretty similar bring back memories was gutless at 38ton though especially now with 620bhp becoming more and more common…TIDY MOTOR

Thanks for posting the pic’s, I was down in Southern Spain a couple of weeks ago. It’s one of those places that drivers either love or hate, one wrote on another thread that he hated the place where I love it and the people.

Not much fun arriving at a pack house at 10am to get the ‘manana’ word, but hey, a bit of waiting around is just part of the job.


Si Senor, :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The best resturant / meal I ever had was in Motril port, having had the “see you tomorrow” shoulder shrug, from senor COMATRANS, too busy to load me, they had 80 of their own to load, on a very busy saturday night.

My spanish was not that good [at the time], and their english was non existant, but what brilliant people, the gaff was packed, bloody loud, and bloody good.

Three courses / vino / beer / agua / BRILLIANT.

The area is called Costa Tropical, between Andulucia + Granada, fresh fruit to die for, the fish is unbelievable…

What a way to live the jammy buggers :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The timber importers below the Pont St Naziare are Ouest Bois ( West Wood ) ,they are the largest importer of Brazilian hardwood on this side of France.

Yes, and if you look straight down on the opposite side of the river there is a good little routier restaurant there :unamused: :wink: :laughing:

Brilliant diary with loads of fantastic pics! :sunglasses: More please :smiley:

Glad you enjoyed Jacko will be doing some others soon. :laughing:

very good diary :smiley:

Glad you enjoyed

Nice post Dean good pictures, my 1st truck was a 2800ati daf so pretty similar bring back memories was gutless at 38ton though especially now with 620bhp becoming more and more common…TIDY MOTOR

Glad you enjoyed,have a good trip to Italy


The timber importers below the Pont St Naziare are Ouest Bois ( West Wood ) ,they are the largest importer of Brazilian hardwood on this side of France.

Yes, and if you look straight down on the opposite side of the river there is a good little routier restaurant there :unamused: :wink: :laughing:

Thanks David will check that out next time im in Nantes!

Just 1 question. Why don’t you take that lynx out of the window■■?
That would drive me mad.