My first day driving :)

Had my first day today, I would say everything went well as could be expected.
Done about 10-12 drops/collections total with starting at 8(which is when lorry was loaded) and finished at 6.

How do you think I did? They were all in 20mile radius of the depo.

Also my neck kinda hurts now, any tips on it not hurting from driving? My seat is near enough up to support me
Also what tips do you have with finding places you delivering to? I got stuck a few times and had to ring back to the office

Easy money ain’t it ?

Yeh pretty easy, just finding the places to deliver to wasnt that easy

Also what tips do you have with finding places you delivering to?

Google maps on a smartphone can be quite handy as it’ll locate a lot of places by name and/or postcode, then you can zoom all the way in and look around in streetview to see what’s near in the way of landmarks to help you drive in. Watch for height/weight/width restrictions if you use the navigation bit, it’ll assume you’re in a car.

Yeh pretty easy, just finding the places to deliver to wasnt that easy


Get yourself a decent SatNav for multidrop.

Don’t drive into the unknown - Stop, get out and ask someone.

Google maps wasn’t any help to me I tried it, also if I’m in a 7.5 ton and I see a sign with 7.5 on it, I can still use that road can’t I as I’m not over 7.5

Google maps wasn’t any help to me I tried it, also if I’m in a 7.5 ton and I see a sign with 7.5 on it, I can still use that road can’t I as I’m not over 7.5

You sure can.

The neck pain, hopefully, is proof you’ve been using your mirrors and making lots of observations :slight_smile:

Congrats on getting through your first day, good man!

Google maps wasn’t any help to me I tried it, also if I’m in a 7.5 ton and I see a sign with 7.5 on it, I can still use that road can’t I as I’m not over 7.5

Yes you can, good to be aware of weight limits though for when you move up to class 2 vehicles.

Had my first day today, I would say everything went well as could be expected.
Done about 10-12 drops/collections total with starting at 8(which is when lorry was loaded) and finished at 6.

I bet you’re glad that one’s over :slight_smile:

I had to go down a road with 7.5 sign earlier and was s***ing myself thinking I shouldn’t lol.
I loved driving and today was pretty fun just my neck hurts now :frowning:

What it says and anything over, so 7.5t and anything over… “Except for access” is your friend.

Also try not to bug the office, you have all the info in front of you and you are on the front line so you will know better than them in most cases.
If your still struggling, better off ringing the punter.

I didn’t have any of the customers numbers on the paperwork otherwise I would have rang them.

To make the day better the taillift was broken and the gearstick rattles like crazy when idling, besides that it was good lol

I thought if it was 7.5t and anything over?

most of the places you were today you will probably go to again so that’s say ten places you know already and tomorrow you will learn another ten or twelve places and after a couple of weeks you will find that there is only maybe two or three places on your run everyday that you don’t know and the rest you’ve been to before so you know were they are and you know the procedure at them, after a couple of months you will know all the places you are going to everyday and that’s when it gets really easy and you can just relax and breeze through the day with little or no worries apart from the couple of drops you hate doing for whatever reason, we all have them.

Congratulations on your first day behind the wheel and you deserve a pat on the back for all them drops and collections you did which couldn’t have been easy for you? Over the next few week you will learn loads, just think of it as apprenticeship where you are learning all the time
Yes you will make mistakes, we all do, you will get other drivers calling you all sorts but have a thick skin and don’t let the bar stewards get you down :smiley: Keep it up and it’ll not be long until you are tramping in a class 1 and getting a knock on the door from the local ladies of the night or getting to see some soft ■■■■ close up in a dogging lay by :grimacing:

forgot to add you should at least have a number for one of the other drivers that you can ring if you don’t know were your going, that’s what I do don’t bother ringing the office they havent a clue most of the time.

I was quite to surprised to find out that some signs you see often have been defunct for nigh on 40 years, apparently:- … ffic_Signs

As for the 7.5 t limit, as seen in section 622.1A here:- … ule/2/made, “Goods vehicles exceeding the maximum gross weight indicated” (note all parts are important) are prohibited. So, according to that (the law), if the maximum gross weight (or plated maximum authorised mass as I believe it’s now called) of your vehicle is not greater than that indicated on the sign, then you will have no problem with the sign’s prohibition:- you are unlikely to have problems anyway, unless spotted by a local busybody.

P.S. Yes the sign is a bit misleading as it looks like a 7.5t lorry is prohibited.

congrats on your first day mate :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Yes the sign is a bit misleading as it looks like a 7.5t lorry is prohibited.

It’s just the same as a speed limit (or height limit, or width/length limit) - anything up to and including the figure inside the red circle is OK (in this case 7.5T), but anything above it is not allowed.

Oh - and as for the stiff/sore neck: It’s just like any other set of muscles that you haven’t been used to using - if you suddenly start working them they’ll hurt a bit. Problem with neck muscles is that the next day they’ll probably hurt even more and lead to headaches etc due to stress/tension. I’d suggest taking Ibuprofen or similar to ease the pains and allow you to continue working normally - After a few days your muscles will have become accustomed to the new work and you won’t need the pain-killers.