My face hurts!!!!

After being on nights (agency) since mid-january I did my first day shift this year, yesterday. Wow that was a shock. I forgot how much of a hinderance car drivers/cyclists/pedestrians are. As for non motorway/dc driving…I forgot how narrow roads are lol.

And it took me longer than I would have liked to figure out why my face was so uncomfortable. Because I was screwing it up because of daylight!!!

Anyway just a little snippit of my driving life this year (bored while the mrs is at work while I wait to go back on nights).

Yea I like nights as well mate LOL a much better class of person you meet on nights :wink: less stress but more money :smiley:

Get some sunglasses mate :wink: Makes life easier. Even in cloudy weather it helps to reduce eye strain and idiots driving with their main beam on :smiley:

Done a variety of work and do prefer nights but likewise most agency work is a day here then a night there which really [zb] things up for tiredness and timing, but it’s one of those things isn’t!!!

Good luck, either way :smiley:

Got some fantastic ones but took them out of my work bag cos I was on nights for so long.

Oh its the same to normally but their regular guy has done his back so is in the office on pills so this is a regular thing for a while.