My Engilsh is bad,but here we go,tin hat on

Come on lads,this is school boy stuff,the thing is the public look on these sites,and make a judgement that we cant read and write,our image is down the loo,for joe public,i know im not the best speller,but i have seen on here:
Wharehouse for warehouse.
Driveing for driving.
There being used instead of their.
Plural words with the Y at the end,like agencys for agencies.
Too much as to much.
No capitals after a full stop,no comas to break up a long post,need to breath sometimes.
Brakes for tacho breaks.
Yes,you don`t need an English degree to drive a truck,so if you are born overseas,that is understandable,or suffer drom dyxslexia.

Come on lads,this is school boy stuff,the thing is the public look on these sites,and make a judgement that we cant read and write,our image is down the loo,for joe public,i know im not the best speller,but i have seen on here:
Wharehouse for warehouse.
Driveing for driving.
There being used instead of their.
Plural words with the Y at the end,like agencys for agencies.
Too much as to much.
No capitals after a full stop,no comas to break up a long post,need to breath sometimes.
Brakes for tacho breaks.
Yes,you don`t need an English degree to drive a truck,so if you are born overseas,that is understandable,or suffer drom dyxslexia.

knot me mi engleish ande spelin ar spott on

eye yousd my spelcheka onn al my replys an fownd it is kwite cleva.

okayshunally i ryte sum ting wen i shud of rit sumer telse.

I ate to sea brakes taken for tee or breaks to stop sharp.

Should be a space after commas :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


I woz not haveing a pop at anywun or anytheen like that,i wunder how zum guys get to where they are going too,if cant reed the chufeeng map and all that.
Do the teechers at the skool av any kwalifkations or advanced levals,as a hole generation has mised out.

Ello ello ello :laughing:

Someone having a problem at a whorehouse(warehouse.)tipping his load off.

ive alweighs, fort miy spelins’ wear fairley. top tip fore, a lowey Dryver, ■■■■ Wen, weir. dryvin ower truks – wea downt. need two. spel’ as ther t9 dickshionary dus it fore uz’

sow if jow publick is reeding this;, us lowwy dryvers, dryve as gud as wee spel :exclamation:

und downt get mea startid un gramah.

Free showers at the job centre,as claimants,dont half stink,what are they wearing,clothes stolen from bin bags at a charity shop,how do they get a job,turning up like a tramp,and 6 pints of lager down the neck.
Overheard a young girl getting paid £600 a month rent paid for,as had a baby.

Free showers at the job centre,as claimants,dont half stink,what are they wearing,clothes stolen from bin bags at a charity shop,how do they get a job,turning up like a tramp,and 6 pints of lager down the neck.
Overheard a young girl getting paid £600 a month rent paid for,as had a baby.

What were you doing in the job centre than, giving a donation?

Hand out food parcels to them,maybe.

Is it still compulsory to blow your dole munny in the pub?

Weatherspoons massive.

Come on lads,this is school boy stuff,the thing is the public look on these sites,and make a judgement that we cant read and write,our image is down the loo,for joe public,i know im not the best speller,but i have seen on here:
Wharehouse for warehouse.
Driveing for driving.
There being used instead of their.
Plural words with the Y at the end,like agencys for agencies.
Too much as to much.
No capitals after a full stop,no comas to break up a long post,need to breath sometimes.
Brakes for tacho breaks.
Yes,you don`t need an English degree to drive a truck,so if you are born overseas,that is understandable,or suffer drom dyxslexia.

Hand out food parcels to them,maybe.

Free showers at the job centre,as claimants,dont half stink,what are they wearing,clothes stolen from bin bags at a charity shop,how do they get a job,turning up like a tramp,and 6 pints of lager down the neck.
Overheard a young girl getting paid £600 a month rent paid for,as had a baby.

Should be a space after commas :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

What he said… you [zb]head

Is it still compulsory to blow your dole munny in the pub?

Wetherspoons, Sir Nigel Gresley pub in Swadlincote, the building to the left is the job centre :stuck_out_tongue:

Come on lads,this is school boy stuff,the thing is the public look on these sites,and make a judgement that we cant read and write,our image is down the loo,for joe public,i know im not the best speller,but i have seen on here:
Wharehouse for warehouse.
Driveing for driving.
There being used instead of their.
Plural words with the Y at the end,like agencys for agencies.
Too much as to much.
No capitals after a full stop,no comas to break up a long post,need to breath sometimes.
Brakes for tacho breaks.
Yes,you don`t need an English degree to drive a truck,so if you are born overseas,that is understandable,or suffer drom dyxslexia.


This subject has been done to death before, but the answer will stay the same. :unamused:

If it’s understandable, then what’s the problem??

Speaking very generally, people have various abilities and various dis-abilities, so it’s really unfair of you to judge some of the people by your own standards when there is an almost endless list of valid reasons for why any person’s English is as it is.

BTW, some of the faults that you’ve pointed out are to do with typing and formatting skills, so what those people wrote wouldn’t necessarily have appeared as it does on here if they’d used a pen and written the same thing on paper. :wink:

You mentioned your own English, but your English is understandable, so I’m not commenting on that.
I would generally suggest that anybody who lives in a glass house might like to think carefully before they start throwing stones.

worst bit Dieseldave is every time you step out the shower you forget you live in a glass house! Lol

Well said Toby!


We as a nation are very lazy and to a certain degree, very thick when it comes to our own language which is an absolute disgrace. How can we expect anyone to learn our language when they come here if we can’t learn it ourselves?

And Dave, that’s the problem, a lot of it is NOT understandable in this day and age, written or otherwise, so I think that you should respect Toby’s opinion, not slate him for it. I absolutely agree with Toby, some of it is barely understandable and a lot of it is down to the fact we now use text speak instead of proper words and phrases, and that should be a major concern for the future.

Maybe I’m old school, but I was taught proper English, write and speak to people in a polite manner, and expect the same in return and if that’s a problem then God help our language.

Sir Trevor Macdonald is a leading figure in the campaign for plain English, and I for one applaud his efforts to keep our language in the way it should be…innit.


My pet hate is someone using too many commas. :laughing:

As long as its readable i don’t see a problem. Are you going to ban people who make spelling mistakes? Do you want a mod to spend all day inserting full stops and question marks?

All forums are the same regardless of occupation except maybe the ‘‘english teacher’’ forum if that even exists :smiling_imp: