My Diary of my First Day Ever in a Big One

What a day had today. My first day driving an Artic on my own without anyone sat at the side of me.

Got to work at 1200 as told, got there and was then told it wont be ready for another 2 hours, as per normal at this place. So instead of doing the usual and jumping in the cab and getting my head down I thought I would have a bit of a look around the cab, there is loads of room in there. I thought it would have been the same size as the rigid cab but how wrong was I?
There is loads of space, I guess not quite enough for a few weeks away but enough for a week. I was well surprised how similar it was to the rigid inside (apart from the storage space and extra bunk)

This is what I was driving

It was huge, bigger than what I trained in.

Oh well not to worry, no way to learn apart from in at the deep end.

So I have had a look around and settled down to read CM for a while. Then I get a knock on the door, were ready now. Those 2 hours just flew by.

Finally got loaded with 22 pallets of muffins and bread for Waitrose and off I go. First thing I had to do was navigate out of the car park, luckily I had been loading there a few times just as the artic was leaving and I had watched them do it so I thought I would have a go at it, it was a little bit tight but managed it without hitting anything. Next trick was to get to the motorway without killing and street furniture or cars.

I managed that and got on the M27 after about 20 minutes I got this

■■■■, that’s all I need on my first day. As it wasn’t a red warning I thought I would continue at a slower speed while I rang the office (on hands free in case plod are reading this.)

“Oh don’t worry about it, it seems to have done that daily this week, its in for a service on Monday anyway.” Nice one!

The road is clear for take off, so off we go back up to 56 until it gets busier

finally get to come off the M3 at Bracknell without anything else happening and I see someone who is totally breaking the law

That teddy should have had a helmet on. If he had crashed there would have been stuffing and beans all over the road, it doesn’t BEAR thinking about!

Finally arrive at Waitrose and ask where they want it

Go on the near side of fine lady that’s free

No chance, it’s my first day on this thing but I’ll give it a go. Get out to have a look and there is a small wall just (about 15 foot is ‘just’ isn’t it?) to the right of the picture. I aint gonna get this in there. As I’m walking back ‘fine lady’ is just going back to his cab.

“are you pulling out?” say I
“yep, give me 2 minutes!”
“I’ll give you half an hour if it makes getting this in easier!” I mutter!

He pulls out and I have a go at reversing, why can’t they make loading bays the same layout as the reversing part of the test? It would be so much easier. I finally get it in, with about 34 shunts and nearly taking out some stairs! When I walk in the depot I get a standing ovation, and it wasn’t for my singing! Then they tell me they are off for a cup of tea! Cheers fella’s. Luckily there is an older guy there that says he will tip me and get it started until they come back, as were working he explains he is an ex driver and remembers his first day. Thank god someone understands.

Anyway get unloaded and head back to Fareham for the next job which is just a local run in the 18 tonner.

As I was coming off the motorway for Fareham I saw this poor chap on the slip road as I was sat at the lights

That’s not what you need on a Sunday evening is it?

That is about my day really and I thoroughly enjoyed it but need a hell of a lot of practice on reversing.

Now for some random pics of other wagons I took while on the M3 (the camera was on the dash so don’t start nagging about driving while taking pics!

Cant wait for the next time. Maybe I will be able to park a bit better but I very much doubt it!

Well done Lee. Different ball game altogether in a big 'un eh? I remember my 1st reverse after i passed my test, i was lucky, i had a veteran of 35yrs on artics walking by the cab window just talking me in. Learned a helluva lot just on that one manouever.

You’ll get better with practice. Aim to do it in 33 shunts next time instead of 34! :laughing:

Nice diary and pics mate. :grimacing:

Looks like you done good on your first day :smiley:

:open_mouth: :laughing: Would you agree that it’s a steep learning curve??

:smiley: Just remember that everybody had a ‘first day’ and that yours is now behind you. :wink:

Well done a excellent read and nice photos
as well

Job done safely and without incident. That’s what is important, not how long it took to do.

I’m sure it’s given your confidence a boost.

One quick tip:

From your photo, it looks like you would have reversed in blindside. If possible, always try to turn around so that you’re going in on the good side - possibly go up to the end of the yard and turn around?

It was huge, bigger than what I trained in.

Would you have felt more comfortable if you had trained with a 45 foot trailer :question: :question:

:open_mouth: :laughing: Would you agree that it’s a steep learning curve??

Its totally different to when I went on the road with a rigid for the first time, there is so much more to think about. This is going to sound daft but I feel I have to concentrate more now that the instructor/examiner isn’t sat at the side of me, is that normal? :blush:

As for a learning curve, its more of a “learning straight up in the air” there is no curve at the minute :laughing: :laughing:

Job done safely and without incident. That’s what is important, not how long it took to do.

I’m sure it’s given your confidence a boost.

It has a little bit, I am fine going forwards not a problem, even on some tight turns I just take up more road than I needed and i am not as tense when driving but reversing?

I thought I had it weighed off in my head, obviously not. My confidence has taken a bit of a knock but I’m not the sort of person who lets a thing like that hold me back! :angry:

a quick question for every one…
Does it make a difference that it was a tri-axle trailer? I have heard that these are a bit harder to steer than the twin axle

One quick tip:

From your photo, it looks like you would have reversed in blindside. If possible, always try to turn around so that you’re going in on the good side - possibly go up to the end of the yard and turn around?

It was actually a normal reverse, I just took the photo looking back, (maybe I should have mentioned this) but they wanted me to put it in a gap between fine lady and a Waitrose trailer with about a foot to spare either side, a bit tight for someone like me.

Give me a couple of weeks driving these things and it will be in there no problem! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Would you have felt more comfortable if you had trained with a 45 foot trailer :question: :question:

I don’t know really Rog, I can’t really answer that question.

It might have helped but it may have stopped me getting my licence and the chance to prove myself that I can achieve things. Just because I have done a test doesn’t mean to say I can drive everything, it is all about experience and knowledge about the job. At the moment I have a very basic knowledge and no experience apart from 1 day.

Can I get back to you with the answer to this in about 10 years time?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No chance, it’s my first day on this thing but I’ll give it a go. Get out to have a look and there is a small wall just (about 15 foot is ‘just’ isn’t it?) to the right of the picture. I aint gonna get this in there. As I’m walking back ‘fine lady’ is just going back to his cab.

Hi mate good diary,

do you remember the driver in the yard telling you to take your time…that was me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

After i parked up for 10 minutes for booking in, i came back and checked how you were getting on and you were still struggling…did you have an AUTO box in that unit? cos’ it was lurching back and forth!..anyway you obviously got it on the bay in the end :sunglasses:

No chance, it’s my first day on this thing but I’ll give it a go. Get out to have a look and there is a small wall just (about 15 foot is ‘just’ isn’t it?) to the right of the picture. I aint gonna get this in there. As I’m walking back ‘fine lady’ is just going back to his cab.

Hi mate good diary,

do you remember the driver in the yard telling you to take your time…that was me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

After i parked up for 10 minutes for booking in, i came back and checked how you were getting on and you were still struggling…did you have an AUTO box in that unit? cos’ it was lurching back and forth!..anyway you obviously got it on the bay in the end :sunglasses:

i vaguely remember but a lot of that 30 minutes of my life is a blur, im trying to block it out really :unamused: , thanks anyway mate. next time when i’m not so stressed or angrty with myself we could have a natter

and yes it was an auto gear box, not as good as a clutch and gear stick in my opinion but i have to get the hang of it as i believe it is called progress :laughing: :laughing:

did you have an AUTO box in that unit? cos’ it was lurching back and forth!..

did you not know i had a baby in the cab and was trying to rock it to sleep :laughing: :laughing:


Would you have felt more comfortable if you had trained with a 45 foot trailer :question: :question:

I don’t know really Rog, I can’t really answer that question.

It might have helped but it may have stopped me getting my licence and the chance to prove myself that I can achieve things. Just because I have done a test doesn’t mean to say I can drive everything, it is all about experience and knowledge about the job. At the moment I have a very basic knowledge and no experience apart from 1 day.

Can I get back to you with the answer to this in about 10 years time?
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

If you found that it did not worry you too much on your first day and you seemed to ‘cope’ with it, then I would say that it made no difference - would you agree :question:

A good post mate, stick in and good luck.

The worst skinniest bays in the country to back on those at Waitrose! Well done! :sunglasses:

If you found that it did not worry you too much on your first day and you seemed to ‘cope’ with it, then I would say that it made no difference - would you agree :question:

i guess i would to be honest. it wasnt the size of the thig it was just the inexperience of myself that let me down, but i will not be beaten! :laughing:

The worst skinniest bays in the country to back on those at Waitrose! Well done! :sunglasses:

i’m glad someone else seems to think so and not just us newbies!

ha ha ha , brilliant post and great pics for your first day. Well done mate and fair play to you.
Ive been driving for about a year and went straight in with no experience with any trucks after sitting on my arse in an office for years passing bits of paper.
And i briefly remember thinking “what have i done i aint gonna be able to do this”
White knuckled and with sweat pouring of me i would approach bays and busy roundabouts or come to think of it busy anything :laughing:
I would pull in to services just to double or triple check the pin or legs and had visions of being over taken by the trailer.
Your dead right it is one hell of a steep learning curve :laughing:
One year on and things feel alot calmer in my cab :laughing:
Because ive calmed down alot, things have got alot easier and im starting to feel like a truck driver…and i can laugh at myself.
I love it and i made the right decision.
Good bits of advice i got were…
Calm done…take your time…dont rush it.
If in doubt ask another driver…Most drivers are only to happy to help,believe me ive asked a few :blush:
Get out and look… i always do and it has saved me loads of paperwork often :blush:
Anyway goodluck mate and enjoy it

Nice diary Gibsla, good read and very enjoyable. Brings back memories of my first day, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Now, only 6 months later, I’ve had a couple of jobs and been to a million different places to tip and feel so much more confident it’s unbelievable, I’ll happily try to park my lorry anywhere I’m told without worrying because of all the practice and help I’ve had in the past :sunglasses: . Hopefully your confidence will grow the same way in time, and judging by your first day, I don’t see why not- you look to have had a decent shift.

As for the trailer warning light…when I had my MAN (same age as your one) the same thing happened with about 50% of trailers I had, I was just told it was due to some trailers being older and ‘incompatible’ (their words not mine!!)

Anyway, good luck for your next run :smiley:


Well done that man !!!..just dont worry about anything, and as someone said, if it looks tight, then Always turn around, regardless of what the signs say !!
Even ol Trucky has to turn around sometimes, and i find a lot of our GB depots seem to be designed for Left Hookers…why ■■ i dont know…
Persevere…and you will come out tops…guaranteed…
Good Luck

This is what I was driving

Good post …and you’ll never forget it, I’m sure: Who hasn’t learned how heart-warming an ovation can be…?

Off thread a little, but I understand that it might contravene ‘regs’ to have signs/names, etc in front windows. I’ll stand correction if I’m out of order, though I appreciate your name is pronounceable, has a reasonable quota of vowels and isn’t riddled with random z’s…

I don’t want to spoil your evident confidence. However, if a prang spoiled your day I’d not want Plod or the TM to have any extraneous ammunition with which to nab me if I was only mildly culpable.

Just a thought ; )

That apart, nice wheels and see you out there.

Well done that man !!!..just dont worry about anything, and as someone said, if it looks tight, then Always turn around, regardless of what the signs say !!
Even ol Trucky has to turn around sometimes, and i find a lot of our GB depots seem to be designed for Left Hookers…why ■■ i dont know…
Persevere…and you will come out tops…guaranteed…
Good Luck

I read this post last night and thought about it when you were talking to the Fine Lady who drives the Daf. Was it my mate Taff?

As Trucky and others have said, spin it round so you are on the easy side. I had a tight delivery in a chemical factory, so went to the end of the road, turned round and came in on my easy side.

Soon after the security guy was there, shouting at me for ignoring the signs. I asked for the health and safety guy who duly came. The security did a speech after stretching his neck like Mr McKie. I told the H&S guy why I did what I did, he had never even considered, it was more difficult to reverse on the blind side.

The next time I went there was a sign, No entry, except for tanker deliveries. :wink: