My blog

My company has a new website, in it I have a blog where I do a regular diary of my travels, here’s the link to it for anyone who’s interested, bear in mind that it’s on my company’s website so it’s written in North American English which is a dumbed down version of Proper English :laughing: In the interest of making love not war, I’m also a little less…me :open_mouth:

Hmm. Have to admit to nearly falling asleep after reading 4 paragraphs of that :astonished: . I’m saying that purposely to upset you :grimacing: because you’re writing it like a company ‘yes’ man golden boy who does no wrong, which is of course to be expected on your company’s own website. :open_mouth: I think you should run a separate blog WITH PICS writing in your usual humourous and satirical way, which would be far more entertaining reading. :laughing:

2p :stuck_out_tongue:

I save my best for tnet Rob :sunglasses:

It is going to be ‘family’ orientated, our customers will be reading it, well they’ll have access to it anyway, in the interest of keeping my job I have to censor myself somewhat :open_mouth:

I will try and spice it up a little, I have some ideas for the future, it’ll need to be a little different each time anyway, even the world’s biggest truck nerd will get bored reading the same old thing week in and week out, I’ll have to experiment a bit, it’ll take a bit of time, but I will establish the boundaries, trust me :wink:

Is there a visitor comment section on the blog ? :smiley:

Good for you Mark, Good for the company, good for trucknet, and a good read.well done :smiley:
Now i have to find more pictures as you have moved me further down the page :angry:

Certainly a little less you Mark, but good luck with the project. Check out Aprils T&D drawing board, my daughter Rhiann has a drawing of a Mack cab over in it. We sent it in a year last Christmas, nice surprise though.

Cheers Paul

Is there a visitor comment section on the blog ? :smiley:

I don’t know, why, what did I do wrong?

ETA, it does, but comments are switched off for now, you can email them through the contact us tab :wink:

Paul, I’ve got April T&D in my mucky paws, I like it, tell Rhiann well done from me :wink:

Hopefully I’ll be in your part of the world again soon, PM your number again please, I must’ve got it mixed up last time I put it in my phone :blush:

That peterbilt looks awesome. I had a quick look in the gallery and that view over the bonnet down the snowy highway with the mountains in the distance is amazing. It’s a sight id very much like to see one day.

Should have guessed that you’d cover an “Alberta Bound” trip considering you work for Paul Brandt. :smiley:
You weren’t in his video for “Convoy” were you? That Sheriff looked like he was about to get frisky with one of your drivers!

Baton Rouge, Wyoming, Colorado and best of all, MEDICINE HAT! Such wonderfully evocative names! The place names alone make me want to jump ship and head west! Are those some sort of 007 wheel nuts on the rig? :grimacing:
Loved the rig too Mark and on a 1-10 jealousy scale it’s a 10 for me!

nice one ,mark ,it gives people over the pond an idea of what goes on.
its a bit more exciting than if i did a tipper driver in canada one!!! a lot less swearing lol…
jimmy… :laughing:

Sax machine, I did it, so can you :wink:

Duck, the video was before my time, but I’ve heard a live performance of convoy from the man himself, he was at our Xmas banquet, he did about an hour on stage, I’m now a big fan :sunglasses:

44TT, I know what you mean with the place names, it’s all becoming a bit ‘normal’, as I’ve been almost everywhere now, just a few more states and I’ve done all 48, but I still get that feeling of wow, here I am in this big old Pete running down an interstate on my way to wherever :wink:

Jimmy, I have to be on my best behaviour in the blog, the same as I do in the magazine articles to some extent, only on tnet will you see my ‘dark’ side :laughing:


Is there a visitor comment section on the blog ? :smiley:

I don’t know, why, what did I do wrong?

ETA, it does, but comments are switched off for now, you can email them through the contact us tab :wink:

Didnt say you did anything wrong just asked if there was a post comment tab avalible. Isnt that company run by three brothers or something ? May be a good idea to maybe find a way to get BFS management and the Boys there to take a look see at how a company should be run. Maybe email them a link or something. I have their email addys if you want. :smiley: Anyway been said MORE PICTURES. If you had my camera system you could do video was well. Maybe a trucking tune playing in the backgound while folks are reading.

Oh and you may want to avoid posting anything about guys seeing you sleeping, or meeting Flat in regina the " Queen" city or you may get more than a bit of ribbing we give you here.

My company has a new website, in it I have a blog where I do a regular diary of my travels, here’s the link to it for anyone who’s interested, bear in mind that it’s on my company’s website so it’s written in North American English which is a dumbed down version of Proper English :laughing: In the interest of making love not war, I’m also a little less…me :open_mouth:

Did you buy them out ■■? :laughing: :laughing: Must agree with others the Blog does have a deffinate Snooze factor :blush: and some have called me and Lyndon a company men !!!

I’ve been giving immigration a serious thought for a while now. The girlfriend is not the least bit impressed. Not that it’ll stop me!

Oh and you may want to avoid posting anything about guys seeing you sleeping, or meeting Flat in regina the " Queen" city or you may get more than a bit of ribbing we give you here.

Meaning what ? Where does this “we” part come from ? You are totally on your own ,very unique in a different sort of way.
Mods please note,not a personal attack,just an observation.

FTTM, i’ll second that.

Mark, picked up a copy of Truck West today, a very good write up, i can relate to all that you written and how very true it is, i like most of us learnt from the lessons and help passed down and given to us from “the old school” drivers and to which i am proud to be one of,one of the many things i was taught was to carry a tool box, if i did’nt need it then someone else might! when i started over here there was a wave from every truck driver when passing, even a word or two from the cb, and if a truck was stopped on the shoulder there was a call on the cb to ask if the driver was ok, but as you say it has come to a stop, well untill today that is, driving back from Wpg i noticed a truck on the shoulder close to the lights at hwy 1 & 16 turn off, i called on the cb, “you ok driver, need any help”? thanks came the reply everythings ok. maybe i might be starting the trend again, who knows?