Must see films

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
& for this time of year-
Its a Wonderfull Life. :cry:

forgetting sarah marshall

The Italian Job, the best opening few minutes to any film ever.

bald bloke:
The Italian Job, the best opening few minutes to any film ever.

as long as it’s the original, not the crappy remake :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


the maoster:
My favorite film recently has been “Leon”, awesome film with a proper human interest story to it.

However, this weekend gone I got around to watching and clearing stuff on my Sky Plus and came across undoubtedly the best film I have ever seen. It’s called Dead Mans Shoes and is a low budget Brit-flick set in Derbyshire. It’s basically a story of an ex Para out for revenge. Sounds cliched I know, but trust me, if this film doesn’t make you laugh, cry and think deeply about it for days I’ll eat hay with the Donkeys!

is that the one with the young girl training to be a hitman(woman)?

another corker is Ronin

Yeah that’s the one. Natalie Portman is her name, turned into a proper gorgeous girl she has.

Ronin is epic, while on a deniro subject 15 minutes of fame is good, ted made me giggle, and kudos for bringing up Leon definitely a top 5


bald bloke:
The Italian Job, the best opening few minutes to any film ever.

as long as it’s the original, not the crappy remake :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Oh yes I mean the original without a doubt.

The Omen (original)
Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Transporter (any of them)
Battle Royale (not sure if there’s an English version so it’ll have to be the subtitled one)
The Shield (tv box set)
Band of Brothers (tv box set)
On a lighter note.
Cars (2, if you must)
Toy Story 1,2,3
Madagascar 1,2 (3 if you must)
Ice age 1,2,3 (not seen 4 yet)

Should keep you going

edit : Bad Taste, if you can find it. !

Still crazy if you like your music too

Ice age 1,2,3 (not seen 4 )

4 is fun, well worth a watch.

Catch Me If You Can with Leo and Tom Hanks

quality film based on a true story


Crimson Tide
Training Day
Man On Fire (first half a bit boring, then gets very graphic/brutal in the second half) :grimacing: