something he ate… :laughing: :laughing:

Armed robber arrested for Alicante assaults this weekend
By m.p.
Wed, 21 Feb 2007, 21:27
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The Civil Guard have arrested a suspect for two armed hold-ups which took place in Alicante province this past weekend: the first victim was a taxi driver who was held up in Sant Joan d’Alacant early on Sunday.

His second robbery was at a petrol station in Monforte del Cid some six hours later, and began a series of mishaps for 31 year old A.L.H.

He crashed his car when fleeing the scene and was forced to take the bus and then a taxi to reach Busot.

Once there, he set off a security alarm during an attempted burglary in the town, and narrowly escaped being caught by the Civil Guard.

He was finally arrested after tumbling down an embankment in nearby scrubland where he’d been hiding out for two hours.

His total haul for the day’s robberies was 200 €.
