Music @ Work - University research

Hi all,

I am a research from the University of Leeds (department of media & comms) and am looking for a number of people to take part in a quick bit of voluntary participation for my project which is on ‘Music listening at work’. My research is about what music you might listen to while working/driving, how you listen (eg CDs, radio, Spotify etc), and also how it affects you and your mood. For this I’m looking for about 5-10 people to fill in a quick questionnaire which I can email out to you or PM, plus arrange a quick 15-minute Zoom/Teams call to allow you to tell me any stories/anecdotes you might think of!

If you’d be interested in filling in this quick questionnaire and having a brief call to explore your thoughts/stories about music + work, you can either email me on my Leeds University work email at or, if you’d prefer, feel free to message me on the forum’s PM system so that I can send over the details to you!

This post has been approved by the admin~~, and if you have any more questions feel free to give me a buzz!~~
This post has been approved by Admin. dd.

5-10 samples for your data set? :unamused: When I was at Uni anything less than n=40 for a data set was considered to be a complete waste of time.

5-10 samples for your data set? :unamused: When I was at Uni anything less than n=40 for a data set was considered to be a complete waste of time.

Maybe but I suspect their is a non-detriment policy in place due to covid. They have been stuck with just online learning via zoom all year.
So, they university has probably made the criteria a little easier. Dont judge :stuck_out_tongue:

5-10 samples for your data set? :unamused: When I was at Uni anything less than n=40 for a data set was considered to be a complete waste of time.

Possibly only 5 to 10 samples needed from this (TNUK) site, and similar numbers from other sites?
If looking for listening habits at work as stated, then it would good to sample from many different tyoes of employment, and from different sources related to each job type.

5-10 samples for your data set? :unamused: When I was at Uni anything less than n=40 for a data set was considered to be a complete waste of time.

The phone call aspect suggests qualitative data analysis, so n=40 would be pointless and overwhelming to analyse.

OMG it’s thesis season again :unamused:
Where the lazy students plague various social media sites looking for answers to pathetic questions about random subjects. Never mind there’s always a job in McDonald’s waiting for them.

I wonder if music and media students are suitable to be the next generation of truck drivers?

OMG it’s thesis season again :unamused:
Where the lazy students plague various social media sites looking for answers to pathetic questions about random subjects. Never mind there’s always a job in McDonald’s waiting for them.

I wonder if music and media students are suitable to be the next generation of truck drivers?

I know!
Let`s just do research into things we know will give good useful results?

So, only do research into what we already know the answers to. Sorted. :smiley:

And we wonder why truck drivers get a reputation for being miserable sods. :grimacing:

Probably just bitterness of having to do long hours with poor pay while others have it far easier. :grimacing:

So, they university has probably made the criteria a little easier. Dont judge :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be rude not to :smiley: “Media and Comms” eh? Clearly Arts not Science :laughing:

Arts Degrees - Please Take one

And we wonder why truck drivers get a reputation for being miserable sods. :grimacing:

Because we’re doing 50 to 60 hour weeks paying the taxes which pay for the stupid student loans system that these “students” use to get useless degrees then say “I can’t get a job”.

Wouldn’t mind if they had to pay it back as soon as leaving or if its for a genuine subject, but there’s that insane “pay it back when you feel like working if you can be arsed” clause.

Only degrees worth helping are science / technology directly related to a job.


And we wonder why truck drivers get a reputation for being miserable sods. :grimacing:

Because we’re doing 50 to 60 hour weeks paying the taxes which pay for the stupid student loans system that these “students” use to get useless degrees then say “I can’t get a job”.

Wouldn’t mind if they had to pay it back as soon as leaving or if its for a genuine subject, but there’s that insane “pay it back when you feel like working if you can be arsed” clause.

Only degrees worth helping are science / technology directly related to a job.

I disagree, there is value in liberal arts.
There is value in studying culture. Its no doubt why we have a world leading TV and movie industry. That even the USA and other countries make use of. This brings both jobs and tourism.
Same can be said of the music industry. Same could be said for art.
Also with languages these are very important these days in a global marketplace.
Then there is the fact that a lot of people who graduate with a ‘worthless’ degree often can apply for civil servant jobs or take a PGCE to become a teacher.
I see your problem with it but the fact remains most of the wealthiest countries in the world have free or subsidised university education.

Then there is the fact that a lot of people who graduate with a ‘worthless’ degree often can apply for civil servant jobs

How right…
B. Johnson: degree in ancient, foreign, fairy tales.
M. Gove: English stories.
J. Rees-Mogg: history.

Several law and economics degree holders in the cabinet, and one(?)(Alok Sharma) holder of a STEM degree.
So, at least one person knows how many beans make five.

Ironically since the mention of stupid degrees and lazy pay it back when you can be bothered has been mentioned, I know of one lazy ■■■ woman who completed her masters in business and is happily working as a typist at Leeds Beckett uni, the uni actually paid for her to do the masters and pay them back when she can