Multi-manned trunks

Just a quick :question: for those of you in the know - how do multi-manned trunks tend to work, with regard to working hours and rests? I know the regs etc, just wondering how they generally work in reality? Do they seriously expect people to do 20/21 hour days, have 9 off then get straight back in to work!?

Just a quick :question: for those of you in the know - how do multi-manned trunks tend to work, with regard to working hours and rests? I know the regs etc, just wondering how they generally work in reality? Do they seriously expect people to do 20/21 hour days, have 9 off then get straight back in to work!?

Yup, did it when it was 22hrs and 8 off for several years ,doing Euro work mainly,in Daf cf high cabs :open_mouth: if it’s time critical dedicated transport then it clearly works for that sort of work

Not all expect that. I worked where double manning was a regular occurrence but only because the driving time wasn’t enough for one driver to get there and back. It used to work out at around 13/14 hrs per shift but the following night would be a later start with a shorter run to allow for rest.