mugs of europe

i have just read about the withdrawall of x ray machines .and of theviolance towards drivers at the ports and also foreign trucks are still getting away with smugling asylum seekers in we must be the mugs of europe

I would say the x-ray machine isn’t the problem, it is the fact that Asylum seekers want to come to the UK, remove the reason they want to come here and they will stop coming, in my experience “most” foreign drivers are victims the same as us and do not want these people in the back of their trucks either

and also foreign trucks are still getting away with smugling asylum seekers in we must be the mugs of europe

? The only guy i personally know to get done for smugling was English !!

Not just the mugs of Europe,mugs full stop. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Easy money at the British Taxpayers expense. :imp: :imp: :imp: …


and also foreign trucks are still getting away with smugling asylum seekers in we must be the mugs of europe

? The only guy i personally know to get done for smugling was English !!

Before the immigrant problem escalated the firm I drove for had a Pole who was resident in France driving for us. He got picked up at Calais with illegal immigrants on board, loads of dosh in the cab and he got 7 years in a French prison.

Pop Larkin wrote

Before the immigrant problem escalated the firm I drove for had a Pole who was resident in France driving for us. He got picked up at Calais with illegal immigrants on board, loads of dosh in the cab and he got 7 years in a French prison.

Thats unusual for the French. You’ve only got to look at that camp that was at Sangatte (sp). From my viewpoint it seemed the French were ACTIVELY encouraging the asylum seekers to come here. They had the nerve to say it was not their problem but ours. Are they friends or enemas?
Pop, was that Polish lad driving FROM Britain??
_________________ :laughing:

I agree with the past comment from Jimti, we need to make it unappealing for them to come over here as illegals!

Also, the past couple of guys I have seen stopped at Calais have been from the new sucession EU countries. However, you never know whose actually driving trucks these days - registation plates do not give you a clue as to the drivers’ nationality.

I can assure you that us “foreign” drivers do not want the illegals any more than you do - and they arte just as much a problem to us as to you.

apart from the UK being finacially attractive which makes them want to go there, the French dont want them on their turf, so when they are caught in calais they simply take them out of the port and let them go.

Some months ago I found 2 under my trailer, they had got on AFTER the security checks whilst I was queing to board - another driver (German) and myself dragged them from under the trailer and handed them to the British Immigration people, one actually said “thats the 4th time to night Ive seen him”. Incredidible!!!

Pop Larkin wrote

Before the immigrant problem escalated the firm I drove for had a Pole who was resident in France driving for us. He got picked up at Calais with illegal immigrants on board, loads of dosh in the cab and he got 7 years in a French prison.

Thats unusual for the French. You’ve only got to look at that camp that was at Sangatte (sp). From my viewpoint it seemed the French were ACTIVELY encouraging the asylum seekers to come here. They had the nerve to say it was not their problem but ours. Are they friends or enemas?
Pop, was that Polish lad driving FROM Britain??
_________________ :laughing:

Polish guy resident in France and employed by us. Never used to come to UK but after a few years decided he liked it and came across fairly regular. It was about 1995/6 if memory is more reliable than usual. As I said, this was years before Sangatte appeared and totaly unrelated to the immigrant problems of recent years.

I can assure you that us “foreign” drivers do not want the illegals any more than you do - and they arte just as much a problem to us as to you.

Quite right, my boss gave us all instructions as to what to do to avoid them and what to do and who to ring if we found them. I purchased a padlock for my trailer to discourage them but all that happened was that they knicked it. :open_mouth:

apart from the UK being finacially attractive which makes them want to go there, the French dont want them on their turf, so when they are caught in calais they simply take them out of the port and let them go.

Isn’t that what the English do when they catch them in Dover? Whatever they do I don’t think they send them back to France. Can’t blame the French for not wanting them any more than the English do.