Mud guard help

Loose mud guard, I’m thinking a ratchet strap might be the best option to hold it for the next 2 days, wondered if anyone here had any sensible suggestions!

Here’s a sensible suggestion. Get it fixed.

Heat up something metal and pointy/pokey with a lighter and melt a couple of holes through large enough to then use a couple of bungees to hold it up.

Is it needed that badly? I’d just rip it off completely and get it attached properly next time.

isnt a spray suppresion system legally required? even if it is on a trailer?

Couple of tye wraps if you have any.

isnt a spray suppresion system legally required? even if it is on a trailer?

Yes it is now,PG9 territory for not having mudguards now

Going by the rusty wheel ,hub and mudgaurd bracket other items could soon follow so get a load of bodge fix items in stock .

I was thinking big tie wraps too. They’re really strong and won’t comes loose like a ratchet. Maybe make some small holes to feed them through. Will do until you can to place to get it fixed. Prob is you’ll have little extra holes in your mudguard I guess.

I had a stave break the other day, to hold the mudguard up, and keep the mudflap from dragging on the floor, I loosened the curtain buckle that was above the middle of the mudguard so the hook was long enough to hook round the top side of the mudguard, then gently tightened the curtain buckle up, thus holding the mudguard up. No problems all day. Working for DHL what I should have done was parked up and called it in :unamused:

I’m thinking a ratchet strap might be the best option to hold it for the next 2 days…

:open_mouth: :unamused:

How do you check your inside tyre’s pressure with no valve stem?

Get it fixed. The picture has several giveaways that the lorry is an old ■■■■■■■■

isnt a spray suppresion system legally required? even if it is on a trailer?

Not pointing forward, look a the picture properly.

Get it fixed. The picture has several giveaways that the lorry is an old [zb].

So what if the trucks old? Thats the problem with this place these days, its full of jumped up drivers that wont look twice a something more than 3 years old, or a job that requires effort. A bit of rust doesnt mean a vehicle is poorly maintained. Surprised at Dan to make the comment he has considering he doesn’t run the newest fleet.

Pull it off and act daft if your stopped …no big deal :neutral_face:

seth 70:
Pull it off and act daft if your stopped …no big deal :neutral_face:

George Michael tried that and he still got told off.

8 legger:

isnt a spray suppresion system legally required? even if it is on a trailer?

Not pointing forward, look a the picture properly.

Sorry I didnt realise it was a rigid

It has got nothing to do with being seen in an old number plate. Given the choice of two vehicles approaching, which one are VoSA going to stop for a check, the old ■■■■■■■ or the smart looking one? Which is why the stay and the rotten mounting plate needed renewing, or if the vehicle was away from home a pukka temporary repair. There is nothing wrong with running old vehicles, in many ways they are less trouble than their newer counterparts, but they do have to look cared for.

Often pass an old daf rigid pulling timber. Always looks well kept despite being around a late 1980’s truck.
I’m not bothered if the truck I drive is 2 or 20 years old as long as its maintained.
Having no tyre extension valve would make me wonder when the pressures were last checked on the truck in the picture.

