Msa zebra crossings

Is it just me or do car drivers disregard normal zebra crossing etiquette in service areas? I was nearly cleared up today at Birchhanger by a 4WD driver (on his phone, naturally) and it’s not the first time by any means. Blyth Services on the A1 is another place where you take your life in your hands on a zebra crossing when walking towards the main building.

So, pleeeeeaaasssee tell me, what is the etiquette on “pedestrian crossings” ■■?

I always thought it was (pedestrian) approach crossing and look left right and left and wait till clear, OR a driver slows down and lets you cross in front of him.

It is not up to any driver , unless he’s feeling in a charitable mood, to have to stop to let somebody cross the road in front of him.

Doesn’t matter if it’s an MSA or one in the high street.

Maybe it’s different in China, " Chinese" me old China :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hmmmm, not sure of that Pierrot, my understanding (in the UK at least) is that drivers are legally obliged to stop for pedestrians who are attempting to cross a pedestrian crossing. Of course I may well be wrong about that. I seem to remember from the dim and distant past that they had to have one foot on the crossing? Again I’m happy to be corrected on that.

the maoster:
Hmmmm, not sure of that Pierrot, my understanding (in the UK at least) is that drivers are legally obliged to stop for pedestrians who are attempting to cross a pedestrian crossing. Of course I may well be wrong about that. I seem to remember from the dim and distant past that they had to have one foot on the crossing? Again I’m happy to be corrected on that.

Can’t be certain about this but here is my understanding of zebra crossings. I believe highways and private roads are different. I am sure a zebra crossing to be a zebra crossing has to have amber beacons either side. Also that they have to have road warning signs or road markings. I thought a crossing in an MSA was a courtesy thing? I may be wrong.

the maoster:
Hmmmm, not sure of that Pierrot, my understanding (in the UK at least) is that drivers are legally obliged to stop for pedestrians who are attempting to cross a pedestrian crossing. Of course I may well be wrong about that. I seem to remember from the dim and distant past that they had to have one foot on the crossing? Again I’m happy to be corrected on that.

Thats how i remembered it to be in the UK, give way to pedestrians approaching or waiting at the crossing, times (and attitudes) may have changed though…

As I said, what exactly is the etiquette ■■ I will stop and let people cross if I see them early and have time to slow down and let them, be it in a truck or in my car.
Maoster , you mention the old thing of having “one foot off the kerb” " attempting to cross, is that really true ?
Andrew, your comment is a politeness issue, there isn’t as far as I know any written down law that says you “have” to give way to the pedestrian attempting to cross.
The “legal” obligation ■■ To stop and let someone cross ■■? I don’t know !

pierrot 14:
As I said, what exactly is the etiquette ■■ I will stop and let people cross if I see them early and have time to slow down and let them, be it in a truck or in my car.
Maoster , you mention the old thing of having “one foot off the kerb” " attempting to cross, is that really true ?
Andrew, your comment is a politeness issue, there isn’t as far as I know any written down law that says you “have” to give way to the pedestrian attempting to cross.
The “legal” obligation ■■ To stop and let someone cross ■■? I don’t know !

You’ve been in France to long old chap! Role 195 of the highway code says amongst other things - ‘you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing’

Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

iirc if a pedestrian steps on or puts a foot onto the crossing, they have the right of way

France. Striped jumpers and striped crossings

Wheel Nut:
France. Striped jumpers and striped crossings

Would that be a case of “now you see me, now you don’t” as they crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

iirc if a pedestrian steps on or puts a foot onto the crossing, they have the right of way

Agree on both the above,

if they have stepped off of the kerb

, but if they are approaching the zebra x’ing or just standing there waiting to cross, you don’t have to stop do you?


Wheel Nut:
France. Striped jumpers and striped crossings

Would that be a case of “now you see me, now you don’t” as they crossed :stuck_out_tongue:

Very good :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

Link to that law please.

Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

Does that apply to Saturday night ■■■■-heads staggering, and glued to their phones?


Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

Link to that law please.


rule 170 which is a rule ive ignored my entire driving life.
the only way i pay attention to it is that i cant be bothered with the greif of hitting them with the resulting crucifixion from plod.
the look on their faces usually dictatess how close i come to hitting them.

From the Highway code guidance rule 19 (also links to relevant law):

“Remember that traffic does not have to stop until someone has moved onto the crossing.” … ns-1-to-35

However according to a policeman once asked, any signs etc on an MSA are off the public highway and therefore not subject to the highways acts. Thus technically you dont need to stop.

However i suspect running someone over who was clearly abut to step onto said crossing might get you into a bit of bother or at least require a judge to decide the case.

pierrot 14:
So, pleeeeeaaasssee tell me, what is the etiquette on “pedestrian crossings” ■■?

I always thought it was (pedestrian) approach crossing and look left right and left and wait till clear, OR a driver slows down and lets you cross in front of him.

It is not up to any driver , unless he’s feeling in a charitable mood, to have to stop to let somebody cross the road in front of him.

Doesn’t matter if it’s an MSA or one in the high street.

Maybe it’s different in China, " Chinese" me old China :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ifrc cars don’t need to give way until pedestrians actually set foot on the crossing

Sounds to me like thers a few here who would run somebody down just to prove a point of law ■■ really !!
If you see somebody approaching or close to a zebra crossing as a so called professional driver you should be ready to react if that person decides to step on out wether they look at you or not .
" I ran them down because I had the right of way " good luck trying to use that as a defence .


Pedestrians have right of way whether there is any type of crossing or none as soon as they step off the pavement.

Link to that law please.

Here you go…

:stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:


I really enjoy zebra crossings in supermarket car parks. I find drivers are far better at stopping when I’m pushing a trolley :smiling_imp: