Once at ferrybridge I had a shower, all the time bowking at the stench, only as I was half dressed did I notice some beast had smeared ■■■■■ along the curtain rail. Glad I have shower curtain phobia and never touch them otherwise I would have had crap dripping over my arms. I think the excuse for a supervisor that I gave a mouthful of abuse to was going to cry. Possibly I was the first person to shout at him since he was a toddler.

Another time time I went in the moto services near Grantham, was about to go in the shower room and here was a foreign visitor stood there. This man was of that slant eyed, camera toting kind. He was happily stood mid flow, slashing into the shower. A kick up the backside sent him into his own puddle. I left rapidly, back to the motor and hoofed it up the A1 to the next layby.

always found msa showers too be bogging, i either use truckstops showers like j29 or penrith as there more likely too be cleaned and inspected more ofton

£3.50 for 6 minutes !! :open_mouth:

Dan Punchard:
i have a set of keys from a scrap yard just for this situation.


Attach a scruffy looking keyring, ideally with a dealer’s keyring on and they won’t have a clue…The girl in the shop is unlikely to be an expert on LGVs…

Once at ferrybridge I had a shower, all the time bowking at the stench, only as I was half dressed did I notice some beast had smeared [zb] along the curtain rail. Glad I have shower curtain phobia and never touch them otherwise I would have had crap dripping over my arms. I think the excuse for a supervisor that I gave a mouthful of abuse to was going to cry. Possibly I was the first person to shout at him since he was a toddler.

Another time time I went in the moto services near Grantham, was about to go in the shower room and here was a foreign visitor stood there. This man was of that slant eyed, camera toting kind. He was happily stood mid flow, slashing into the shower. A kick up the backside sent him into his own puddle. I left rapidly, back to the motor and hoofed it up the A1 to the next layby.

Now if only there was that old “trick” of the dye they use a swimming pools to see if anyone has peed in the pool! Whether its true I don’t know.

I know we Brits can be lazy and don’t get it always right, but generally we have toilets and toileting sussed. I mean look at all the types of toilet paper and wet wipes available, toilet humour, discussing ■■■ consistency at dinner, Godfrey of Dad’s Army needing to find a “convenience”; Brits are known to be obsessed by toilets and what goes on there :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

I don’t really think the same can be said about some of our continental friends. Squatting over a hole, no paper down the pipes, communal toilets etc, bidets (?!). Not wiping arses or cleaning hands, smearing ■■■ up the walls, squatting in he car park and by the road - whats it all about :unamused: :laughing:


This man was of that slant eyed, camera toting kind. He was happily stood mid flow, slashing into the shower. A kick up the backside sent him into his own puddle. I left rapidly, back to the motor and hoofed it up the A1 to the next layby.

LOL Thats made my day.