MSA fine/charges?

Has anyone ever been charged for parking longer than 2hours and driving off? I parked in birch this morning for 2hours 25min and didn’t pay , i didn’t even think about it until a few miles down the road. Cheers

Many people will be along shortly telling you to not pay the fine under any circumstances… and they’d be right.

However, your employer will most likely pay up straight away and then tell you afterwards that it’s going to be deducted from your wages.

tell the gaffer not to pay the INVOICE

Sooner or later one of these MSA’s is going to enforce a debt collection on these invoices.

tell the gaffer not to pay the INVOICE

Put it in writing to him so there is a record, plus he cannot deduct from your wages, IF there is an invoice it is only a speculative invoice and does not need paying, nothing will happen.

Sooner or later one of these MSA’s is going to enforce a debt collection on these invoices.

No they won’t, not on a speculative invoice. Unless there is a change in the law to make motorways and MSA’s private land.

I would imagine my employer will just pass my details to whoever , so I should just bin it then ?


Sooner or later one of these MSA’s is going to enforce a debt collection on these invoices.

No they won’t, not on a speculative invoice. Unless there is a change in the law to make motorways and MSA’s private land.

The vast majority of motorway services in the UK are owned by one of three companies: Moto, Welcome Break and RoadChef or Extra. Only 20 motorway services in the UK remain in the ownership of the Department for Transport and let on 50-year leases to private operating companies.

To win a claim in court, they would have to demonstrate an equivalent loss or cost. That is next to impossible so they don’t take them to court.

I would imagine my employer will just pass my details to whoever , so I should just bin it then ?

bin it and don’t respond to any letters

Cheers people I’ll see if I hear anything within the next few weeks

Sooner or later one of these MSA’s is going to enforce a debt collection on these invoices.

They may well do. They still can’t get anything from the person they are ‘speculatively’ looking to extort monies from. For instance…

We came back from holiday into Liverpool airport. There are camera’s there next to a well known pick up spot, there are also signs telling you that you will be fined. It took me 30 seconds from the car stopping to it pulling away and it was 11.20 at night, not many people around at all. The car was my girlfriends and was driven by her dad. I told her she would get the ‘fine’.

The fine came £60. It had the usual gubbins of pay now or it will double in 14 days (trying to panic you). Cut a long story short. We received 4 letters within 5 weeks from this company. The 1st letter with the original ‘fine’ of £60 looked very official like, 2nd letter said it was now £120 and if not paid we would be sent to a debt collecting agency. The 3rd letter from the supposed debt collecting agency said it was now £180 with costs and if not paid would be sent to a solicitor. A solicitors letter came. A little research all through this episode by myself confirmed what was going to happen and at what time intervals. It also pointed out the letters from differently named companies were all actually from the same company. Just posing as solicitors or debt collectors. Haven’t heard anything since and we wont. My girlfriend got a bit edgy but I told her to stop panicking.

As far as companies on MSA’s go, if it’s a small company and you speak with the boss normally rather than through statements and safe working system rubbish then he or she wont be bothered too much. Unfortunately if its a big company they will discipline you if you dont pay them the fine back. I was in McBurneys Liverpool the other day and there is a recent notice that says the company want you to pay the parking if you are over 2hrs at an MSA, they will reimburse you. They don’t want the fines even though if they looked into it, they couldn’t be held accountable. Silly really but that is their choice.

Had two last year, one for 3 hours at Rownhams and one for all night at leedelly.
Had a few letters then all is quiet.

one of our lads over stayed at leicester forest, company got the bill, made him pay it £25 i think,they were not pleased.

I got two last week alone. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just ignore them, they aren’t a fine, anything which is a fine will have the EXACT words “Penalty Charge Notice” on it and will have been issued by the Police or a local council.

It’s no different to coming home and finding somebody had parked their car on your drive. It would be very rude, but you couldn’t fine them.


I would imagine my employer will just pass my details to whoever , so I should just bin it then ?

bin it and don’t respond to any letters

DO NOT bin it or ignore it.

Depending on the PPC, some are now trying their luck at court.

Once you have the invoice, get over to and get assistance in mounting a defence. This will cost them £27 for you to win at POPLA.


I simply cannot see how anyone can claim that they cannot /will not pursue these debts.
If they have a sign explaining the parking rules and you park there, you are accepting their terms and conditions.
I don’t understand why they need to show a loss etc, they are not claiming damages, merely enforcing an agreement that you made voluntarily.
I don’t understand why they need to be the landowner either, surely doing this with the landowners consent is enough, especially if they are in a business relationship with the landowners.
They may choose not to pursue these charges but I can guarantee that one day they will and it will only take one case to set the precedent.
Look at this from a reverse viewpoint.
You live near a football ground where parking is difficult. You put a sign on your driveway saying ’ parking here for £20’.
If someone parked on your drive you would feel justified in expecting to be paid £20. This would be regardless of wether you owned the house, was buying it on a mortgage or simply renting it.

Has anyone had 1 recently ? I’ll see how much it is and might just pay it save some hassle

Simples.Take the trailer number plate off before you park up and cover up the unit number plates with a black bin liner.When you exit there is a camera that clocks you going out.
In the James Bond film,his car had a revolving number plate.Like a Rubicks cube.