MS WIndows Vista - your opinions?

So, it’s been out a while now. What does everyone think of it?

wouldn’t touch it, to many bugs in it.
I got a O/S called XP Black edition, it’s the best out of all the operating systems, i.e xp, vista and apples o/s

I’ve never used Vista and going from what I’ve heard from people in the know I have no intention of bothering.
Given that Bill Gates has said that they hope to have the next version of Windows out within a year or two, you could be excused for thinking that even Microsoft have given up on Vista.
Christ I’ve even heard of it being compared to Windows ME, the worst of all of Microsoft’s operating systems, though to be honest I suspect that was a huge exaggeration.
But as I said I haven’t personally tried it and don’t intend to bother.

my daughters have vista on their laptops! it’s slow and clumsy :open_mouth: I’ve got XP on my lappy, much quicker :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

its not nicknamed “fista” for nothing

thats what it does to your computer

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Vista is on the surface OK, with a few aesthetically pleasing features, but in my professional opinion, it still needs to mature as has any OS from the Microsoft camp.

I removed Vista from my spare pc cos of unexplained bugs, and despite spending an inordinate amount of time troubleshooting I decided it wasn’t worth it. I wouldn’t risk it on my main PC, not yet anyhow. My preferred OS for the moment is XP pro with a ridiculous amount off third party add ons, and will be for some time.

Vista is ok for the populous but there still is too little support from hardware manufacturers and software publishers for effective bug fixing. What doesn’t help is when Vista is being shipped with cheap pc’s that don’t have the correct drivers or even the BIOS correctly setup, which when in the pc repair business was the crux of most new pc/vista related issues, the large retail companies customers ended up being some of my best customers!

As for comparing it to Windows ME, it’s nowhere near as bad, as someone who had to deal with ME problems constantly both in the pc repair business and the OS on multi-million £ machining centres, Vista or most of it’s predecessors don’t come close to the poor writing within ME.

Oh and BTW I can’t give away a retail copy of ME I have left over from the business!!!

I’m collecting my new Dell laptop with Vista on Monday. :unamused: :confused:

Not knowing anything about computers i bought a Sony laptop last year, i was told by the salesman that Vista was fantastic, the bloke i went in the shop with said it should be ok. im going to be selling it soon, Vista is absolute garbage. I agree with dennis f, its slow and clumsy.

Not knowing anything about computers i bought a Sony laptop last year, i was told by the salesman that Vista was fantastic, the bloke i went in the shop with said it should be ok. im going to be selling it soon, Vista is absolute garbage. I agree with dennis f, its slow and clumsy.

Why sell the lappy just install xp on to it

Its crap

sorry but i have to disagree…ive ran all operating systems form win 98 to vista basic and premium…we have two laptops a toshibsa with vista basic and mine with the premium…both of the laptops run well…im happy with vista

Well my desktop PC hates it , it wont install any graphics drivers or networking, its not an old graphics card its a Ati HD3500pro, i put it down to my motherboard .

On the other hand my laptop loves Vista , it runs smooth with no problems at all, i guess its all down to what hardware you have and what support vista has for it .

Oh and you need a lot of ram for it to run sweet but ram is cheap enough so there’s 4 gig in my laptop, and a duel core cpu helps it along.

Home pc
Amd Athlon 3700+
4 gig ddr2 ram
1TB of Hd (2x 500 mb sata)
Ati HD3500pro
Sapphire Ati chipset motherboard
37" lcd TV/Monitor

The above will not run vista, no, nadda not a chance :blush:

However this will and its a laptop :open_mouth:

Athlon x2 Turino @ 2.0 gig
4 gig ddr2 ram
200 gig sata 2 Hard drive
Nvidia 8600 gs Graphics card
Nvida 630 chipset motherboard
17" wide screen monitor

Looking at both , hmm , might it be an ATI thing :wink:

It’s not an ATI thing but a timing thing, amongst other stuff, if the timings on your i/c’s are a little slow then Vista will fall over/be very slow, this is the case on the majority of ‘cheap’ desktops as many mfr’s use cheap components that don’t always compliment each other,(if it’ll work and it’s the cheapest it goes in the box) laptops on the other hand generally go through more rigorous testing and are a higher quality product (usually).

I have seen many supermarket/major retail store bought desktops that have some very basic setup errors, BIOS not set correctly, incorrect/very outdated drivers then theres the cheap components, all of which make for a very slow system.

Generally you get what you pay for, however before making a choice google that system and see what reviews there are, don’t take the salesmans spiel as gospel, all he wants is his daily/weekly targets.

i have an acer laptop bought about 6 months ago and i have been very happy with it. ive had laptops with all os back to 3.1. and this is the best by far.

Vista is like a game of sticky biscuit!!

Says alot for it when Miscrosoft are rushing to get the next generation OS onto the market.

It’s ok in some ways, but the home premium on my dual core laptop chugs horribly. My linux based single core desktop flies along in comparison.

Too soon to tell really though I am getting used to it now. I don’t think it is superfast compared to XP but most of my hair tearing issues have been more to do with the new laptop. Touchpad (and a very sensitive one at that) takes some getting used to after mouse.

I`m still getting used to vista…but i think xp is tops, too many conflicts with vista and some old programs i have… :cry:

Im using Vista on this machine, very quick, occasional issues but have found all the answers on the net and downloaded a lot of patches to make it better.

I have XP on the laptop and the only thing I cannot get the hang of is the office package that came with my Vista PC

just bought a laptop 3 mths ago with vista on it, i wouldnt go back to anything now, personally i love it…