Motorway slip roads

numptys dont realise that a slip road up to 300 yards long is for the driver joining the motorway to adjust his speed to join the flow of traffic drivers already on the carridge way dont have to give at all if they dont want to its just curtious if they do.
ive had a right row with the inlaws after brother in law ( total ■■■■ ) hit a lorry trying to beat it down the slip rd cut up the lorry and ended up getting t-barred by the lorry cue car written off lorrys fault cos he should have moved over.
and do you know im ashamed to say my wifes family are that dense and thick they still cant see they are wrong.


233: When you join the motorway you will normally approach it from a road on the left (a slip road) or from an adjoining motorway. You should

give priority to traffic already on the motorway
check the traffic on the motorway and adjust your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane
not cross solid white lines that separate lanes
stay on the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway
remain in the left-hand lane long enough to adjust to the speed of traffic before considering overtaking

I think that is still the rule when trying to get on the slip road, and I also pull over into the second lane if it safe to do so- only to let truckers on though.
I hate the car drivers who think they are gods gift and they think that they own the roads, but here’s a news flash for them THEY DON’T.
Any one would think that no body else paid road tax, but guess what if anything the lorry drivers should own the road more- because they pay more road tax!!!
No lorry drivers I no act as if they own the road.
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


Dapper Scavenger:
I have had drivers attempt to undertake me on the sliproad and then, instead of slowing down when they realise they aren’ going to make it, keep going and undertake me using the hard shoulder!

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me Dapper.

How so Simon? It’s no different from shooting a couple of hundred yards down the hard shoulder to reach your exit when the traffic is stationary. I believe that the highway code states that the hard shoulder’s there for emergencies. Numptie truckers using it as an extension of the slip road when they’re either so bad at forward planning or are simply intent on forcing any vehicles with the nerve to be next to them in lane one at the time, ain’t an emergency no matter how hard you look at it! :wink:

Speaking of which, a couple of weeks ago Moyles had a caller on his Radio 1 breakfast show. He asked here where she was - she said “I’ve just pulled up onto the hard shoulder of the M25”. :unamused:

ggls He’s having a laugh Deaks. Honestly :stuck_out_tongue: