Motorway cops - 05/05/10

I may be cross posting here as it’s only just finished, but here is my question / observation that I feel needs carifying.

One of the coppers pulled a guy up. He was driving a Land Rover, behind which he was towing an Ifor Williams type trailer with sided boards on. On the back of that was another Land Rover.

Now, one of the first things the copper asked him was if he had his tacho with him and during his talky bit to the camera, he was saying about everything over 3.5t needing a tacho, ok right so far.

Since when has a Land Rover been classed as being over 3.5t, as towing a trailer doesn’t increase the weight of the one in front?

Obviously the train weight is increased, but he was talking like it was the Land Rover that needed a tacho.

Was he talking absolute bollox or was he right?? One for Diesel Dave or ROG I would suggest.

Didnt watch it but sounds like no different to a car pulling a caravan.

No he was’nt. Any vehicle were the MAM exceeds 3.5 tons being used for commercial reasons requires a tachograph to be fitted. You can not buy a new category B goods vehicle with a towbar without having a tacho fitted.
But what a joke, the guy had no full car licence or +E licence or a tacho and gave a fasle name yet was only fined £150 plus 6 points.It cost more in police time and court time than that.
What would happen to a lorry driver for not using a tachograph ?

Didnt watch it but sounds like no different to a car pulling a caravan.

i am not sure of the law.though i have seen and worked on in my bodyshop,disco’s,cabstar type japs.transits and many other vehicles that all had tachos fitted,because they were used for towing heavy plant is something to do with that?sorry it’s all i know about it.
regards andrew

mu understanding is that anything used commerciall with a combined gross weight of 3.5 tonnes must be fitted with a tacho, so the towing vehicle would be required to have one fitted if gross was above 3.5 tonnne & was being used commercially ( ie, hire & reward,) if used privatley to transport own vehicle, boat etc then would be excempt

:open_mouth: Live and learn, live and learn, :laughing:

Ta chaps.

Ahhh i see now. :grimacing:

For that commercial combination (over 3.5 tonnes) the driver would need a B+E licence and would come under the driver regulations which may be EU or domestic depending on the job being done.
The towing vehicle in the above case would need to have a tacho fitted.

PS - saw the episode and had a wry smile when the stolen artic unit (7 tonnes?) hit the 4 x 4 cop vehicle (2 tonnes) - what was the cop thinking when he tried to block it…

Did you see the idiot that took that scanny for a joy ride what an idiot just out of prison and decides to rob a truck and gets caught and sent back to prison to finish his sentence with an extra 12 months on top idiot. I also really dont see the point of bailing foreigners they are not goin to turn up in court are they, its about time they realised this and had them up in court the next day and put on remand until there trial date. also if you get pulled by the old bill why try and blag them they are going to find out who you are I dont like the police and in my younger days have had a few run ins with them ( a little bit older and wiser now ) but there is no point in kicking off or trying to blag them and as for that cockney saying because he is from London he is better than a Brummy if I had been the copper I would of took his car off him just to ■■■■ him off. Obviously he was such a high class intelligent bloke driving a honda prelude with no insurance and couldnt afford to pay a £30 deposit on his card real high flyer :wink:

For that commercial combination (over 3.5 tonnes) the driver would need a B+E licence and would come under the driver regulations which may be EU or domestic depending on the job being done.
The towing vehicle in the above case would need to have a tacho fitted.

PS - saw the episode and had a wry smile when the stolen artic unit (7 tonnes?) hit the 4 x 4 cop vehicle (2 tonnes) - what was the cop thinking when he tried to block it…

Yes,what an idiot,I hope he was disciplined for that,particularly if he had a partner with him.Exposed them to unnecessary danger and caused unnecessary damage to a police car.If he was driving me, I would’nt have been happy ,vision obscured by red mist perhaps.

If no tacho is fitted, He just needs to keep a written record (log book).
It is not just an issue with the train weight. If the trailer weighs more tan 1250kgs unladen no matter whether it is over 3.5 ton gross or not, Then it will come within scope of driver hours regulations.

If no tacho is fitted, He just needs to keep a written record (log book).

For domestic regs, yes - but for EU regs, no - tacho needed

he only needs a tacho if he is towing for commercial reasons, if its his hobby he doesn’t need one. Like me :wink:

If the trailer weighs more tan 1250kgs unladen no matter whether it is over 3.5 ton gross or not, Then it will come within scope of driver hours regulations.

Where do you get that from? AIUI if the combination is under 3.5t then it doesn’t fall into the regs.


If the trailer weighs more tan 1250kgs unladen no matter whether it is over 3.5 ton gross or not, Then it will come within scope of driver hours regulations.

Where do you get that from? AIUI if the combination is under 3.5t then it doesn’t fall into the regs.

I think the ‘O’ licence for a commercial trailer is required where a trailer is over 1050kgs - perhaps that was what he was thinking of ■■?

PS - saw the episode and had a wry smile when the stolen artic unit (7 tonnes?) hit the 4 x 4 cop vehicle (2 tonnes) - what was the cop thinking when he tried to block it…

Wasnt the commentary over that something like “the police infront have already had the idea, they put the car infront of the road to say give up”

Like hell will that say give up, or even make him stop :unamused:

Was worrying the person in the Land Rover didnt have a licence. I suppose if he was quick enough he could have said it was a friends and he was towing it back for him or hes bought it for offroad purposes or something.
I did like how when asked for the tachograph he looked around the Land Rover trying to spot it, not that he even knew what it was :laughing:

I think the ‘O’ licence for a commercial trailer is required where a trailer is over 1050kgs - perhaps that was what he was thinking of ■■?
I thought it was if a trailer is over 1020kgs■■?

I think the ‘O’ licence for a commercial trailer is required where a trailer is over 1050kgs - perhaps that was what he was thinking of ■■?

I thought it was if a trailer is over 1020kgs■■?

You are correct with 1020