Morrisons Wakefield 41 gate 5

Just a word of warning, don’t go in at more than walking pace the crater just inside the gate is a truck breaker, fortunately I got away with just spilt coffee but one driver ripped his front bumper out.

Just a word of warning, don’t go in at more than walking pace the crater just inside the gate is a truck breaker, fortunately I got away with just spilt coffee but one driver ripped his front bumper out.

No good for our Actros’s then by the sound of it.

Disgraceful yard - suppliers should bill them for any damage or take it out of use. Their own are parked on the concrete down there.

If you drive a MAN its going to eat your bumper!

Would not have bothered the bumper on my old Albion,but that’s progress I guess :wink:
Regards. John.

What about the one as you came out of Stibbington services s/b on the M5 that was right on the exit of the services. I went down it once as it was full of water and just thought it was a puddle and needed a wrecker to pull me out :smiley:
Only joking but it was a disgrace and my betting was that the HA and the services were arguing who had to pay for it filling up as it was half on the slip road and half on the services exit :unamused:

Place is a mess. I lost my drink the first I went there.

Last time I delivered to Batley’s in Stirling, I drove through what I thought was a puddle in their yard. How wrong was I. It was a huge crater. The bang was so loud, I was convinced I had ripped my bumper or n/s step off my truck. :imp: :imp:

The state of the at yard at gate 5 isn`t helped by the eddie drivers who miss the turn for coke, and spin around in Morrison’s yard to go back up to the coke gate.
The yard man at gate 5 regularly looses his cool when an eddie does it

Which is gate 5? Is it the exit gate opposite YPO?

Which is gate 5? Is it the exit gate opposite YPO?

No, right at very bottom on right hand side. Go past coke, the yard is opposite rexam

Last time I delivered to Batley’s in Stirling, I drove through what I thought was a puddle in their yard. How wrong was I. It was a huge crater. The bang was so loud, I was convinced I had ripped my bumper or n/s step off my truck. :imp: :imp:

Sounds like Watford Gap services. You can lose a 7.5 in one of those craters.