Anybody know what there like to work for, i.e Shift patterns pay ect.
Anybody know what there like to work for, i.e Shift patterns pay ect.
Never worked for them,but have pulled there loads out of there and delivered them,very,very easy work,or what I’ve done,just reverse on a bay,they load you,drive to shop,reverse on bay( no handball), go sit in there canteen and have a cheap meal while they tip you
I’d work for them if they were near me.
N.b never had anything to do with rubbish as we ran out empty as had our own work to do
Are they advertising?
I applied last year (I moved to B Latimer!) and didn’t get the job. Letter said that others were better qualified (I have been with ASDA 10 years), and the fact I ‘refused’ a driving assessment’. Interviewer also said there were 150 odd applicants.
I was on a single rest day and couldn’t legally drive!!!
I’d still be interested in applying again, purely to eliminate my 40 mile round commute.
I put am application in about 5 years ago, told they were paying a basic of £24k, but with overtime you could earn upto £28K. Heard nothing, so went back to see em, and they said all recruitment on hold for time being. I didn’t persue it, as i was working at an airport and earning more, despite the fact it took me an hour each way to get there and back.They do have their own in house agency though, possibly ADR Network. One thing i will say, i know one of their ex drivers, he was sacked for being a white antacanist. All he would say is that he complained that all the best jobs were being given to the poles, and the English were getting the crap, and surely that was racist…You, as the driver are not allowed anywhere near the load, as has been said, drive, reverse onto the bay, and off you go to the canteen.