Moron logistics … -midlands/ :frowning:…the name says it all!

Bit harsh,how do you know he hit the bridge…maybe the bridge hit him??

Yet another company that resorts to corporate [zb] marketing with ‘Driving Logistics Innovation’…yeah very innovative… :grimacing:

Bit harsh,how do you know he hit the bridge…maybe the bridge hit him??

Maybe he was just delivering a bridge when some ■■■■ in a train ran over it!

they couldn’t have made it anymore obvious with the height and massive low bridge sign.

A bit more gas and he’d have made it :open_mouth:

Jesus, how fast was he going to rip the trailer in half? :open_mouth:

Agency :sunglasses:

tango boy:
Agency :sunglasses:

I thought Moran was just purley an agency that supplied it’s only units and trailers… Think I read that on here somewhere

Jesus, how fast was he going to rip the trailer in half? :open_mouth:

Fast enough to take the entire roof off…at least he didnt do a half arsed Eddie job and get stuck halfway under…no half measures here, driver did it properly… :grimacing:

Refrigerated flatbed for sale, one careful owner, driver not so careful. :laughing:

10/10 for a ripping good job :open_mouth:

Must of thought it was a weigh bridge and took a ton off to be on the safe side !


Let me rephrase that

■■■■ :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

“Innovation” nowadays means “doing something in a different way that has cheaper start-up costs”…

It doesn’t have to be an improvement on existing practice apparently, nor do the END costs get taken into account.


Old cost of running a truck from A-B all-inclusive = £1290 per trip for example,

NEW “innovative” cost is £776, but the £120,000 bill for the “hit bridge” goes to the insurer, so doesn’t count as a “company cost” as yet.

If it did, there would be a whole lot less bridge-striking employers still in business - wouldn’t there? :unamused:

Let that be a lesson to us all. If you’re going to hit a bridge, do it properly :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Conan the Librarian:
A bit more gas and he’d have made it :open_mouth:

Technically he did make it, it’s just he left back doors under the bridge which presumably didn’t do the temperature in the fridge much good.


Conan the Librarian:
A bit more gas and he’d have made it :open_mouth:

Technically he did make it, it’s just he left back doors under the bridge which presumably didn’t do the temperature in the fridge much good.

One way to smash the back Doors in lol

tango boy:


Conan the Librarian:
A bit more gas and he’d have made it :open_mouth:

Technically he did make it, it’s just he left back doors under the bridge which presumably didn’t do the temperature in the fridge much good.

One way to smash the back Doors in lol

Just spat coffee all over my phone at that!


tango boy:
Agency :sunglasses:

I thought Moran was just purley an agency that supplied it’s only units and trailers… Think I read that on here somewhere

Surely they wouldn’t have “logistics” in the name if they were just a hire company.

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